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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Looks Like Jeb Bush Screwed Up

Looks like he didn't renew his domain, and guess who snatched it up!!


  1. You know, you and I would never look it up, but we have a man running for president who takes the time to look up every detail on every thing and act on it.

    Might just be a good idea to vote for a guy like that!

    TRUMP 2016!

  2. I wonder how much this is going to cost JEB to get it back?

  3. 12:53pm
    Actually Mr. Trump will have to give it back to him when it comes down to it. He cannot prove he has a 'brand claim' or 'fair use value' for it. Coke & Kraft & Disney and a host of others won court battles years ago dealing with this.
    I know, years ago I lost several domains I'd intended to sell.
    However, in the meantime this is GREAT PR for the Trump camp.

    Make America Great Again

  4. Trump has said that he will fill his cabinet with the most intelligent and forward thinking people he can find, this shows me he means it and can do it.

  5. 345, It looks like those people are already working for him!

    Make America Great Again!


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