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Thursday, February 11, 2016

Liberal Columnist: Fox News on 'Suicide Watch' After Rubio Loss

Fox News Channel is on "suicide watch" following the poor showing by Florida Sen. Marco Rubio at Saturday's Republican debate, says Jason Easley on the liberal news site PoliticusUSA.

Easley contends in the column that the "depression and gloom over the Fox News anchors could not be contained."

Brit Hume, he says, "sounded like he might cry," while panelist A.B. Stoddard of The Hill "sounded glum" and The Weekly Standard's Steve Hayes "was almost wailing."

David Gregory, the former "Meet the Press" moderator, "accused Rubio of trying to look like a general election candidate."

"There can be no doubt who Fox News is supporting in the Republican primary," Easley said. "Fox will do anything to get rid of Donald Trump and Ted Cruz. The fact that the on-air talent on Fox sounded massively depressed after Rubio fell apart made it clear that Fox is far from neutral in this election."



  1. They are all the same - and it's never "fair and balanced"

  2. Glad i am not the only one who sees this.
    Fox has really been disappointing. Acting just like MSM these days
    Now what do we do for fair and balanced.

  3. Fox is a disapointment with their bias election coverage. Megan Kelly and others are disgusting.

  4. I was flipping the channels when they announced who had won NH and I happened to come across Rachel Maddow and Brian Williams. If you get a chance, look at her expression when she announced that Trump had won. She looked like she was actually going to cry. She was truly upset.

  5. I am still boycotting Fox until there ratings drop for how trump has handled by the Alien magen Kelly the Backstabber.

  6. Seriously? It's amazing how someone with a preconceived opinion, can interpret something so terribly wrong. The Fox news network is just fine. Ratings are up, advertising dollars are up and they're blowing away the other cable networks in viewership. Things couldn't be any better for them.

  7. Left wingers are all the same,if they don't get things the way they want them they just lie and try to convince people black is purple and red is green. Hillary is a good example of that.


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