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Saturday, February 27, 2016

LEAKED: New Republican Plan To Destroy Trump


  1. This will end the GOP

  2. Thank you Mr. Jones.

  3. I ll still vote for trump.

  4. Teflon Don will go all the way !!!

  5. GOP leaders, insiders and corporations who've used the system and profited from the status quo are so unwilling to support change, and why would they, or a candidate that the people want, they would rather hand the country over to the likes of Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders.
    What this should show you is simply this, they [career politicians and government] are all the same. They want to use you, your life and family and your money to further their collective greed and lust for power. What we really have as a government here in the U.S. is a psudo-monarchy and you're the serf.


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