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Saturday, February 06, 2016

La Opinión: Marco Rubio Is a ‘Republican Obama’

Wednesday’s cover of La Opinión, the nation’s largest daily Spanish-language newspaper, prominently portrays donor-class favorite Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) with the infamous “hope and change” imagery that defined Barack Obama’s presidential campaign.

The cover of the Spanish-language paper writes: “The Republican Obama? The surge of the Latino Senator in the presidential campaign has made him a target of criticism on the subject of immigration.”

Marco Rubio and Barack Obama share many of the same policy goals, such as Obamatrade and military intervention in Libya, but their most striking similarities are on the subject of immigration. Both men support citizenship for illegal aliens, expanded refugee resettlement, more green cards, more H-1B visas, and large permanent expansions to the rate of immigration and foreign worker importation.

Marco Rubio was the co-author of the 2013 Obama-backed immigration bill. Rubio’s immigration bill was endorsed by La Raza, the AFL-CIO, SEIU, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL), Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV), Mark Zuckerberg, and George Soros. Rubio has not renounced his support for a single policy item outlined in the Gang of Eight bill—including his desire to triple green card issuances, double foreign worker visas, and grant citizenship to illegal immigrants.

Rubio has even borrowed much of the language of Obama’s campaign—prompting Joe Scarborough to mock the young Senator. Following the Iowa caucus, “Morning Joe” replayed Obama’s 2008 acceptance speech celebrating his victory at the Iowa caucus and juxtaposed that with Rubio’s strikingly similar Iowa speech celebrating his campaign’s ability to inch up to third place.

However, there is one important distinction between Rubio and Obama. Obama represented the core views of his most ardent base, and presented a vehicle for turning his base’s dreams into reality.

By contrast, the Republican base is overwhelmingly opposed to large-scale immigration, amnesty and refugee resettlement—the pillars of Rubio’s campaign. It is the GOP’s donor base, not its voter base, that supports these policies.

More here


  1. Rubio is a slick talker and he has charisma. So did Obama! I can't believe that people can't see thru him. He will say anything he thinks the folks want to hear to gain their vote. If he gets voted in, he'll be as bad a President as Obama because he has never done anything, either! Check out his background....his arrest record, his brother-in-law, his activities before he married, etc. Then look at some of the accomplishments of the other candidates.

  2. What is all this talk about Rubio living as a gay man for years?

  3. Politicians will say whatever to destroy opponents. Especially if they appear to be gaining in the polls. Don't be fooled by Trump!

  4. Obama Crooked BastardoFebruary 6, 2016 at 10:48 PM

    Yes, that's about right. Well, its interesting because at the same time Rubio could be also considered slick smooth bullcrap talker younger version of Jeb Bush. Also known as Smooth Talking RINO. NO THANKS, GOT PLENTY OF THOSE.


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