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Sunday, February 07, 2016


There are 3 videos below . Click the title above if they fail to load.

BREAKING NOW. ..Rolling out..
Posted by Lee Arthur Rice II on Sunday, January 31, 2016

BREAKING NOW...More military assets...a sign of peaceful resolve. ...RIGHT????
Posted by Lee Arthur Rice II on Sunday, January 31, 2016

BREAKING NOW....Straight talk...the Truth...
Posted by Lee Arthur Rice II on Sunday, January 31, 2016


  1. Pay attention folks. What will happen when you stand your ground for your Rights? The leather jacketed midget and his tank on wheels along with his murder squad will be there. Well if he's not in Hollywood filming! Then if you make it that long this! Don't forget Waco Texas! The cover up! Or the Bundy ranch. The crystal ball is real and showing our future live! Wake up you sheep! Wipe the cop of your chins and get your pride back. Get your country back!

  2. I thought Obama recalled all those military type vehicles? Why does that sheriff's department still have it and why do they need so many people. There are only 4 people with hunting riffles left occupying the refuge. Did they bring in this much gun power and force in Baltimore or Ferguson?

  3. 10:49 these idiots are not standing up for their rights. They don't own public land and have ZERO rights to use it. Lock up these dirtbags.

    1. 12;09
      Beg to differ. We the people do own public land! And they have every right to use it! Must be a cop huh? Get off your phone officer and patrol! 12:09 am there is no crime to stop? Or your on your 7 hr lunch break? Has to be a cop! Saying that citizens have no right to public land!

  4. 1209 keep on drinking the Obama kool aid, bud. You're so blind and oblivious and believe everything that the propagandized liberal media says. They label them as "terrorists". Really? I don't think so. I see a bunch of blue collar Americans tired of being stomped on and hurt by the same government that is supposed to defend us and support us Americans? What happened to our bill of rights? What happened to the pursuit of happiness? You need to educate yourself and you will see why this event has unfolded. It's another Ruby ridge and Waco and its written all over it and everyone is too damn dumb, blind, ignorant, and stupid. Maybe Joe needs to post this which the Federal government isnt telling the truth in the matter of the Oregon standoff. http://theconservativetreehouse.com/2016/01/03/full-story-on-whats-going-on-in-oregon-militia-take-over-malheur-national-wildlife-refuge-in-protest-to-hammond-family-persecution/

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    10:49 these idiots are not standing up for their rights. They don't own public land and have ZERO rights to use it. Lock up these dirtbags.

    February 1, 2016 at 12:09 AM

    I'm going to get back with your dumbass a little later on. Right now I'm mad as hell at the things I have been finding. IF you are a cop, you are conscidered a gov't agent, albeit on a smaller scale because you are merely a undereducated local cop, but one just the same. People are getting fed up with this tyranical gov't and that sir would include you.

    You would be well served to keep your mouth shut and not add to the already inflammed public, of which I am one. You people might think you are invinicable and cannot be held accountable but I can assure you that is not the case.

    We on the east coast do not have much of the problem with land grabs as they do in the west and mid-west so many do not know or are not that concerned about it. But that is slowly changing.

    Cops and their ilk cry "war on cops" when a few thugs target them, but I wonder what their next cry will be when the bulk of the populance rises up against them.

    If cops and others cannot stand up for what is right, maybe they need to sit down at a new job.

  6. They have committed a federal crime and now they will have to make a decision. Same as we would have to.
    They are the ones that are wrong by blocking our access to the preserve.

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    10:49 these idiots are not standing up for their rights. They don't own public land and have ZERO rights to use it. Lock up these dirtbags.

    February 1, 2016 at 12:09 AM

    Do you even know what the term 'public land' means?

  8. This is a false flag event... I saw videos of that same women being interviewed in Boston, San Bernardino and sand hook...

    Wither you believe in false flags or not, it is unusual to have the same women being interviewed at all these mass shootings, and Oregon looks to be another false flag to demonize the patriots or militia and to take more of your gun rights...

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    They have committed a federal crime and now they will have to make a decision. Same as we would have to.
    They are the ones that are wrong by blocking our access to the preserve.

    February 1, 2016 at 5:04 AM

    oh lord, please tell me which federal law they violated. and nobody's access was blocked by this group. law enforcement however DID block access to it. why don't you people start defending truth instead of trying to justify the illegal?

  10. Lock up these terrorists.

  11. and now I have learned the 'cop' that was supposedly hit by the truck not only ran TOWARDS the truck, but he did so to shoot out the windshield. these creeps started shooting at the initial roadblock in the ambush and never stopped firing. even after they got everyone out of the truck they unloaded again on an EMPTY truck.

    and riddle me this: why do you not see any ambulances on the scene or shortly after the shooting stopped?

    answer: they had every intention of killing everyone in that truck. you have never seen a justifiable gov't operation, with that much firepower, armor, snipers, etc., without medical being on the scene.

    this was planned from the get go. and they set up in the only place up to that point on the road that had no cell service.

    the video has been broken down as to who shot first. state cop in lower right of screen assumes standard combat firing stance and shoots LaVoy in his left side. LaVoy was reaching for the pain from that shot, NOT reaching for any firearm in his coat pocket. LaVoy always used either a right hip holster or a shoulder rig, and his shoulder rig is not at his waist.

    after the first brave cop shoots him, and runs away towards cover, the one next to him shoots him again, probably in his right side. LaVoy then understands they are trying to murder him and turns to flee but the sniper behind him shoots him, in the back, from maybe 50 feet away killing him.

    after this, gunfire is again directed towards the truck. hundreds of rounds. plus the grenades and gas. when one of the women ask if they are arrested, (they are in LEO vehicles handcuffed now) they tell her no, they are just being detained. they sat in those vehicles for hours at the ambush site as the cops try to come up with a reason for an arrest. as they didn't intend to have to arrest anyone since they planned on killing everyone there.

    people this shit is real and it is right in front of your faces. don't take my word for it. go find it like I have. this woman was in the vehicle. she wasn't a mile away in the other vehicle. but the one who set them up was and his name is McDonnell, I believe that is his name. he is the one who was on facebook first because he didn't get arrested. got his Jeep back. and told leo when and where they would be at, and convinced the group to go together against their original plans.

    again, not my words but from the eyewitness and participant.

    when are some of you going to realize the government is not your buddy? they don't care about you. keep being independent. you will hang separately too.

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    This is a false flag event... I saw videos of that same women being interviewed in Boston, San Bernardino and sand hook...

    Wither you believe in false flags or not, it is unusual to have the same women being interviewed at all these mass shootings, and Oregon looks to be another false flag to demonize the patriots or militia and to take more of your gun rights...

    February 1, 2016 at 8:29 AM

    omg go to school and shut up

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Lock up these terrorists.

    February 1, 2016 at 8:44 AM

    agreed. those cops need to be arrested and charged with murder

  14. oh and one more thing, IF LaVoy did INTENTIONALLY try to hit any cop with the vehicle (he didn't) the cops would have cause to fire on him, BUT once he left the vehicle he is no longer a threat and deadly force is no longer justified. even if he didn't HAVE HIS HANDS UP.

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. what I have found out the only land the gov't is allowed to OWN is the land that forts, bases and the like are situated and the ten square miles that is the District of Columbia.

    now I haven't checked, but post offices and such are leased from private owners. I would guess all other gov't offices are leased from whichever state it is located in. that should be easy to verify, and one of you is more than welcome to do that, but I just don't care at the moment. more important things are afoot.

  17. 9:11 AM

    you seem angry.

    GOOD! I'm glad I am not the only one.

  18. Scorcheth the earth upon which they occupy and leaveth a crater behind.

  19. 9:11 AM

    you seem angry.

    GOOD! I'm glad I am not the only one.

    February 1, 2016 at 9:21 AM Delete

    oops, I guess someone didn't like your post

  20. 9:53, UNKNOWN needs to learn we will not accept curse words.

  21. I figured that is why you deleted HIS (9:11) comment

  22. but I am known, even by you Joe. :)

  23. You of all people should know better. If I see it again I will spam your comment and instruct other moderators to do the same.

  24. Can't wait to these pretend "patriots" (criminals) shot dead because of their own actions. Justice is coming!

  25. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Can't wait to these pretend "patriots" (criminals) shot dead because of their own actions. Justice is coming!

    February 1, 2016 at 10:10 AM

    You mean the ones wearing badges?

  26. You will NOT use the Lords name in vein. Do you understand me now.

  27. I love the cop haters on here, so far from reality is sad.

  28. 1:39 you are absolutley right "we" own the land not just Bundy and his crew who choose to use it to feed "thier" live stock. I do not agree with strong arm tactics but stop blaming the cops for all the issues in the world dumb ass. The cops are people just like you and me. They have a job to do. It is obvious you had a negative contact of some kind with the police. Judging by your attitude you probably got just what you had coming. So back to the Bundy issue. Is this worth dying over on either side I would say not. I see both sides of this issue. No one needed to die.

  29. 9:00 did you get your law degree at Wal-Mart. If he made any movement for the loaded gun he had on his person he is fair game to the cops.

  30. 1:17
    Im not 9:00 but the cop that shot him could not see what he was doing. If he had posed a threat to the cop in front of him HE would have shot him. This was murder. They shot him in the back after shooting him a few times before that. You tell me if someone shoots you if you keep your hands in the air and not grab where you were shot. Stop trying to justify one of your buddies actions. It was murder by cop

  31. If they were Black this would not be happening. Sorry just my observation of our current government.

  32. These mickey mouse club militia idiots are getting exactly what they deserve. They have been menacing the good people of Burns and engaging in an unlawful occupation by force as well as attempting to intimidate and incite violence against law enforcement. This is a nation of laws where the lawless should be apprehended, prosecuted and punished. The four left are nothing more than pathetic followers of an idiotic idealism.

  33. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    9:00 did you get your law degree at Wal-Mart. If he made any movement for the loaded gun he had on his person he is fair game to the cops.

    February 1, 2016 at 1:17 PM

    number one, it was about supposedly using his truck as a weapon. two, he only moved toward his side AFTER he had been shot. 3, I don't need a law degree for numbskulls like you, but I can read. try it sometime.

  34. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I love the cop haters on here, so far from reality is sad.

    February 1, 2016 at 1:03 PM

    if you think everyone is a cop hater I would say YOU are removed from reality. turn in your gun and badge

  35. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    These mickey mouse club militia idiots are getting exactly what they deserve. They have been menacing the good people of Burns and engaging in an unlawful occupation by force as well as attempting to intimidate and incite violence against law enforcement. This is a nation of laws where the lawless should be apprehended, prosecuted and punished. The four left are nothing more than pathetic followers of an idiotic idealism.

    February 1, 2016 at 2:04 PM

    and which media outlet did you get that erroneous information from? except for being a nation of laws (for the rich) everything else is untrue.

    and freedom and liberty is an idiotic idealism? wow. sure glad you cleared that up.

  36. Anonymous, Anonymous: I hope you mean this:
    "This is a nation of laws where the lawless should be apprehended, prosecuted and punished."
    When it comes to Ms. Clinton.

  37. The kop haters are many. Very many.

    It has gone on long enough.

    We don not accept statutory law.

  38. 123 your making assumptions of what he saw based on you own imagination. Stick to the Video and evidence. He said he wouldn't be taken alive reached for a gun and had gun.

  39. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    123 your making assumptions of what he saw based on you own imagination. Stick to the Video and evidence. He said he wouldn't be taken alive reached for a gun and had gun.

    February 1, 2016 at 6:52 PM

    you are talking about making assumptions? look at what you typed. lol. wow. you are just repeating what the masters tell you. LaVoy was never in a fighting stance. came out of the truck with his hands up. pointed to the cop that first shot him. realized they meant to kill him and turned to flee. if he wanted to be killed, he would have come out of the truck with a gun already in his hand.

    it's really simple to see and understand, unless you are brainwashed.

  40. 10:36 LMAO. You are such a hypocrite.

  41. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    10:36 LMAO. You are such a hypocrite.

    February 2, 2016 at 8:24 AM

    That wasn't me either Joe.


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