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Monday, February 15, 2016

It's Just After 11 AM

It's still snowing in Ocean City.


  1. in pittsville and salisbury too

  2. @ 8" in princess ann so far

    so much for wboc

  3. Still snowing in Bishopville as well.

  4. Paul the coward. Too afraid to use his real name in comments. Some hero.

  5. Im in Salisbury but im sure its snowing in GeorgeTown

  6. Almost noon and it's still coming down at about an inch an hour.

  7. Hey Gov. Markell! Send your workers home! You've cut their pay and cut their holidays. Would 1/2 a snow day be THAT big a deal?!

  8. Don't see this turning into rain anytime soon. Still snowing preset hard and accuweather shows blue for more time to come before turning to ice (pink).

  9. 12.45 to 13.00 snow will change to rain

  10. It looks like it just let up in Salisbury. Over 5" on the ground.

  11. Don't count on schools being open tomorrow and likely a 2 hr delay Wednesday

  12. It's supposed to be 60 degrees tomorrow, 2:55 pm, why on earth would the schools be closed?

  13. Been out shoveling the "dusting" of 6+ inches of snow here in Hebron!
    I am really angry right now with WBOC!!
    Thanks for the warning a**holes!!!!!!!
    I hope the management of wboc has the stones to do something about this! Based on performance, Dan should have been fired long ago!
    Most roads are still a mess!

  14. well, 3:57 many of the back roads are not touched and many are un-plowed - while it may very well be quite warm tomorrow, I would not at all be surprised if this occurs

  15. I can see a possible fog delay tomorrow with the over night warming temps and all of the snow on the ground....let's see if WBOC warns viewers of this possibility....

    ....or not..... not like they would think ahead about this ...

    parents, I would be ready for a 5:30 call tomorrow about a delay... plan ahead


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