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Friday, February 26, 2016

Inquiring Minds Want To Know

Another win for the Donald on the road to the White House

Is it over for the Florida Senator?

The Texas Senator's secret weapon


  1. If the politicians did the peoples work instead of special interest they wouldn't have this problem.I hope the whole system is routed in upcoming elections.

  2. Chris Christie just backed trump.

  3. If the media was smart, they'd look at what happened in Democratic stronghold no more Maryland! A great Republican governor with high approval ratings in Maryland! Speaks volumes about the mood of the country - even the Dems in Maryland are supporting a Republican.

  4. Anyone know where I can watch last nights debates? map

  5. While I'm voting for Trump I still like Ted Cruz. He said something last night that hits home. He talked about Arizona and how it is a state that cracked down heavily on illegals. This caused a mass exodus of not only the illegals but those here legally on work visas and with "green cards" who were harboring the illegals to leave the state. Cruz went on to say the wages in Arizona have now risen because of the lack of ready willing and able workers willing to work for low wages. Entitlement benefits Arizona was paying out dropped dramatically.

  6. map, I looked online for you and couldn't find any more than snippets from last night's debate. I do know CNN has previously rebroadcast their other debate a few times and I believe it was on a Saturday night. If they do that you may be able to see it online then if not on TV.

  7. I don't understand Christie's support, in one of the debates he and the other political leaders with Governor and Senate backgrounds said the election should not go to anyone without their type of background, in other words experience that could handle Commander and Chief and President. Obama's record is as a businessman, and one who has had many bankruptcies and a TV show!

  8. People don't like politicians that's why Trump is whooping the tried and tired GOP establishment.


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