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Sunday, February 28, 2016

I’m Done Apologizing For Being White, And You Should Be Too

I’ve often been told I have no right to write about race.

I’ve also been told that I pompously “think I have a right” to write about race just because I married a Mexican.

And you know what? Often I find myself second guessing nine-tenths of what I say because, undoubtedly I’ll say something that someone somewhere will scream about how I have no right to say for one simple fact:

I’m white.

Even as I sit here writing this, I’ve stopped and started at least a dozen times, thinking about the right way to put all this to mitigate the inevitable backlash.

But you know what? That’s actually the entire point.

We need to stop apologizing for being white.



  1. I'm not going to apologize for being white PERIOD!!! This whole black lives matter trying to keep blacks down is weak and from what most of my black friends their tired of hearing it too, what happened years ago happened nobody's proud of it but it's time to move on. If you keep driving down the road looking in your rear view mirror you bound to get into an accident

    1. We recognize a lot of things that happened 100 plus years ago. We recognize Easter and Christ died 2016 years ago do were told. We recognize the lives lost in all wars started by this country. But you want blacks to forget about what happened to their race. You dint ask Jews to stop recognizing the holocaust.

    2. You don't have to forget as the Jewish people haven't, but I don't see the Jews calling for death to all Germans, or blaming the Germans for all their modern day problems. And you certainly don't see Jews rioting/destroying property/threatening the lives of cops because of their hate of Germans and what was done to Jewish people.... Blacks have to stop blaming whites for their lack of motivation and their ignorance. If you want something you need to work for it just as the rest of us do. I was never handed anything because I am white and nor where my parents? My grandparents were dirt poor farmers and I'm a college graduate. I didn't recieve any free college money unlike many of my fellow classmates who were a minority. The opportunities are there for everyone, it's just a question of your own personal motivation.

  2. Everyone should be thankful and appreciate the courage the white settlers had to come here and form this country. Oh yea it was built in hard work and sacrifice along with slot of faith and prayer. The real problem anymore is a bunch of spoiled spineless soulless people thinking everyone owes them something

    1. Built it off free slave manpower.

  3. I'll never, ever apologize that I'm white, Black Lives Matter is nothing but an organization of thugs and most likely have some criminal record.

  4. White Power!! Not, I am just an American who is proud to be white.

    White Weaklings = Obama Voters

  5. 6:56 - you're on to something!

  6. Can't figure out for life of me what these white liberal A•• wipes think by their views. I guess it's going to take you getting caught in middle of one of these protests and riots to get the life beat out of you before you realize its all about race and prejudice for the majority of this black movement. Good luck getting someone to jump in and help

  7. Only the severely insane would apologize for something they can't change i.e. the way they were born. Anyone who apologizes or feels guilty because they were born white is a very sick demented person who belongs in a cage because they are a danger to society.

  8. The racial tension that has happened in the Obama administration is the worse since the 1950's.
    It's a fact that this has been planned to generate civil unrest or even war.
    I'm truly sorry that there were slaves , or hired help that was unacceptable. Having said that , I had nothing to do with any of this , apologize , I think not!
    Nothing that you or I can do to make this right , they don't recognize anything . It's a culture that has a miserable attitude toward life itself.
    I will recommend that you get over all this crap about white owes them anything . I just laugh at their statements or demands , it's a joke to me . If by some chance that it results into an uprising , I got enough to hold my own for years. The streets will be lined with black , brown and a lot of red.

  9. How many people are first or second generation European immigrants? We had nothing to do with slavery! My people came here with pennies in there pockets. Hard work ethic and moral culture saved them. But guess what? They love America and accepted the country as their home. Stop asking and start doing.


  10. I am a 50/50 and I know both of my ancestors help build this country.My family has always worked for what they have and never asked the GOVT.for nothing.

  11. White privilege is just a back handed way to try to convince whites to dumb down themselves to the level of others who don't respect themselves.

  12. 11:39 - you hit the nail on the head

  13. stir the pot, lick the spoon

  14. Racial tensions have been easing slowly but surely since the mid sixty's, until the current administration came into power. They have been pushing the divide and conquer mentality for self preservation of their liberal agenda.

  15. Oh. It's bad and getting wirse everyday.

  16. I think people view things the way they choose to..all people. Whites of 2016 bare no responsibility for what happened during the 1700's, the 1800's or even the 50's and 60's. No ethinic group should be held accountable for what others do in any group. All I read and hear is The Blacks or The Whites or the Jews or whatever. At what point do we just decide that if someone is ignorant, whether black or white, it does not have to be because of what color they are...they are just ignorant. And this goes for everybody. Instead of trying to insult a certain ethinic group or group in general because a certain number of people that act like a**holes just so happen to belong to that group, just identify that person as a screwed up individual. I have known a great number of police officers in my life. Have I come across one that wasn't the best at his job and should not be a cop...sure. But I have also come across teachers, construction workers, flight attendants, computer technicians or even customer service people that suck as well. That is just the way society is...there are going to be good with bad. The only difference is that with officers, there are lives that are on the line so should be held to a higher level of scrutiny...just like doctors or pilots should be. That being said, there should not be any hate aimed at police officers because of what profession they have chosen. There are some awesome officers out on the streets that are trying to protect us with little pay and even less of a thank you and they are the first ones we call when something is wrong.

    Another issue that I have is when people criticize Black History month. I have heard, why don't they have White History month or Native American History or Italian History month? Well I think they should have as many months of history that is possible. It's purpose is not to make any other group feel bad for the past. What it should be for is to show how so many great things can be accomplished even through situations of adversity, which would give the youth of today a different version of how to strive for excellence regardless of what situation they may be in and to stop making excuses. I think that we all can agree that a lot of the youth of today have an entitled to everything attitude that turns the stomach of folks of an older generation that have had to work for everything they have.

    I hope that one day we all can stop taking everything as an attack and start working as just plain Americans from different backgrounds to heal our society and out nation. It feels like we are running out of time.

    A hopeful guy

  17. We need some white safe zones where we can be white and not be attacked for being ourselves.

  18. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Oh. It's bad and getting wirse everyday.

    February 24, 2016 at 3:17 PM

    damned if it ain't.

  19. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    We need some white safe zones where we can be white and not be attacked for being ourselves.

    February 24, 2016 at 4:15 PM

    you could start by being in a classroom somewhere

  20. The racism being waged since the "black lives Matter" has only hurt your own people. You now have even more drug deaths, murders,riots,and families divided. What you are doing is further dividing your own race, for God's sake move on stand shoulder to shoulder with the other races, make this world a better place. We have bigger issues in this world like wars, bombings, terrorists and safety for us all.

  21. 10:28 the reason for your last remark is the Jewish people don't complain like the black people they just want to fit in like the rest of us. We want to work, obey the law, go to school, take care of our communities and care about one another, and put God first. Forever whining, blaming, commiting crimes, taking down communities, and disrespecting whites is not going to help you, reach out a hand, give of yourself, stay away from drugs and alcohol, and hang out with people with good morals, real friends, support your families, and especially guide the young--do like the physician's oath "first do no harm".

  22. 1028. It was 155 years ago. We elected a black president by land side victory of massive WHITE voter turn out. Only racism in the world is coming from the White House. The terrorists of Black lives matter are being used for the political agenda. 150 years ago they had a name for a black man that used other black people.... You should be mad at one person...


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