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Friday, February 19, 2016

How Would Trump's Wall Be Built?

CNN has made an attempt to figure out how to build a wall along the entire 2,000-mile U.S.-Mexican border as GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump has been touting for months in his campaign.

According to experts CNN talked to, a cinder block wall would be too labor intensive, while poured concrete would not be strong enough. That leaves pre-cast concrete panels as the solution.

Each panel would be 20 feet above ground and five feet underground and would be about 10 feet wide. They would be joined by reinforced steel.



  1. The "wall" just needs to consist of the deleting of free ship to anyone who crosses our border, and making them live on their own money while attending our already in place immigration laws. How hard is that?

  2. Steve, your common sense goes against the Democrats vote bribing philosophy.

  3. It will be built one brick or concrete section at a time; but it will - repeat WILL be built. Unlike any other candidate stating as such, Trump's the only one in the bunch that has historic precedence of backing up his mouth with action. Rare for DC elites. Probably why they're all terrified of him.

  4. Get the Chinese involved. They did it a looooong time ago without power tools and gas powered equipment.

  5. 1017 "...now you funny too"

    Notice how Trump and others want to play tough with this whole wall idea, with proposals to waste even more of your money, instead of doing the real common sense solution. Create an "employment" wall. But that would require going after the company's and many of those good ol' GOP supporters on the corporate farms, construction firms, and other entities that knowingly hire illegals.

  6. Ask the Chinese. They have one that's stood the test of time.

  7. Simple. Stop giving illegals handouts, ie, food stamps, housing, free health care, jobs, etc., and they will go home!

  8. Build it to the terrain put a one way door in it and then man it...After that go after employers who hire illegals and then deport illegals when they break the law.


  9. Will be easy to do. Readily available illegal migrants already there, and since they do a large percent of construction already he should get a good price on the labor!

  10. anyone that wants to come to America can just dig a hole in the ground and tunnel underneath said 'wall'...


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