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Friday, February 05, 2016

House Votes to End Millionaires’ Abuse of Low-Income Housing

The House of Representatives voted Tuesday to end fraud within the Department of Housing and Urban Development that has allowed millionaires to live in low-income housing for as low as $300 per month.

Rep. Vern Buchanan (R., Fla.) added an amendment to the Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act, which unanimously passed the chamber Tuesday, to improve the way landlords of public housing authorities verify tenants’ income.

An audit last summer by the agency’s inspector general revealed that the government has been giving low-income housing to millionaires. The inspector general identified more than 25,000 families who were living in subsidized housing even though they earned too much to qualify, costing taxpayers $104.4 million last year.

One man lived in low-income housing for five years in Oxford, Nebraska, paying only $300 a month. He had assets over $1.6 million.

“Public housing should be for those who need it, not wealthy people with large bank accounts,” Buchanan said upon the passage of his amendment. “Our country is $19 trillion in debt yet we’re giving subsidies to rich people?”

Buchanan said the legislation was “long overdue.”



  1. While people who don't need it shouldn't get free housing, this is an excuse to get all up in everyone's bank account information. The way to fix this is NO MORE FREE HOUSING.
    We have some gigantic churches in the area that sit empty 6 days out of the week. It's time for them to start doing the charitable work they preach or they ALL lose their tax exempt status.

  2. Who in their right mind would WANT to live in HUD housing if they make enough money to live elsewhere?


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