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Monday, February 01, 2016

Homeless Veteran In Berlin, Maryland

A homeless Veteran holds a sign begging for money in front of the Berlin Walmart Home Depot parking lot.


  1. While our veterans are hungry and homeless, our politicians (both State and Federal) live and work like royalty!

  2. Give him work at Walmart

  3. Most homeless write that they are vets to get money. MOST are not vets. They are frauds.

  4. How do you know he really is a veteran? Ask him if he knows what a DD-214 is.

  5. There are so many programs for veterans that are available. I also would be suspect of his honesty. The Maryland Department of Veterans Affairs have offices througout the lower eastern shore. Also local VFW's, American Legions will also assist with help for veterans.

  6. Don't send your donations to long distance veterans funds when there are plenty of vets out there to help right here. If you want to be cautious you can contact homeless shelters for the name of someone in need. Some vets are too proud to ask for help....but you can find vets who need help always. The government is not holding up their end of the bargain when it comes to disabled veterans.

  7. Some vets are too proud to ask for help.

    Why? What is it about "being a vet" that makes one more proud than a person who does not identify as "being a vet".

    If a person is homeless and asking for help, is he less likely to be a vet than the average person on the street? Why is being a vet make it more difficult to ask for help?

    I don't get it.

    1. Perfect statement... You don't get it at least your honest.. they don't ask for help because they are embarrassed about needing help. How would you feel if you had served for our country performed a task which was important or played an important role in our armed forces helping people to have to come back and lose everything and then have to ask for help from the same people you just got finished helping? It's called pride, most of these vets come from a time where you either provided for yourself or you did without. I love the programs we have for vets ( wounded warrior, Dav, vfw or vva) but they shouldn't be necessary. Our men and women who served should be top priority when it comes to help, not these illegals and refugees. Walk a mile in their shoes before posting an ignorant comment.

  8. Lier, called stolen vallor.

  9. keep walking buddy, Diakonia is just down the road. they will give you food and shelter and help you find a job.

  10. 12:01 ANSWER....turn that sentence into "Some PEOPLE are too proud to ask for help." That is how families were before all the national free handouts that run the country today. Vets from a previous generation are too proud of their service to tarnish it by begging to anyone. Most of this country has lost all pride as witnessed by the number of people begging on the streets.

    There are vets out there that are suffering but don't want to get involved with the VA because they know how invasive the questions can be and they also know from their buddies (vets) that the VA isn't helping .

    Do you remember the scandal not too many years ago where vets files were hidden and workers just reported all the good numbers? Have you forgotten that? Is it STILL GOING ON?

    Time to do another up close investigation. Think I will write a letter to NBC.

  11. 709 you voted for Obama and now your voting for Bernie. Then complain about hand outs?!!


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