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Saturday, February 06, 2016

Homeless Vet Forced From Shelter And Freezes To Death… Just Across Town ‘Refugees’ Get Free Housing And Food

Liberals have created a situation that would have been unthinkable just a few years ago. Refugees who are flooding into host nations at an unprecedented rate are demanding housing, food and free education all while increasing the crime rate and refusing to follow the laws.

If this isn't bad enough homeless veterans who have sacrificed their lives and mental health are cast out onto the streets. Where are their advocates? Liberals don't seem too concerned with the military and the men and women who serve them and have shown utter contempt towards them time and again.



  1. Some of the comments from this original article are obviously by the left. Republicans have not been in office long enough to do that much, particularly with Obama still in office. If American voters do not keep both houses of Congress in the GOP hands and vote in a Republican administration to fill the WH, we are doomed. It appears the Dems have done all they can to cause this country to fall. Don't let current numbers fool you and don't be expecting miracles within a few months after Republicans take office again. When Republicans took over before, it took a year or more to change the economy, and then America voted Clinton in office and, of course, the Dems took credit for the turnaround. But it was the Republicans' and Newt's Contract with America that dramatically cut spending and turned our economy around, NOT the Clintons!

  2. When are people going to figure it out. All democrats are horrid disgusting people. The worst society has to offer and this goes for every single one of them whether they are a politician or not. If you are a democrat that means you enable the democrat politicians so this means you are worst then they are. Piss poor examples of human beings who the country would be better off if every single one would just go poof and disappear.

  3. We need FREE mental health care in this country for everyone....EVERYONE with mental health issues who wishes to be helped and every parent with a child they know is ill. Especially for veterans who have returned home from war zones with PTSD and traumatic brain injuries. Once upon a time in this country there were institutions for mentally ill people and they were handled poorly and shut down. Typical government. Now all the individuals that would have been housed in a facility are turned out to live on the street. We see them daily.

    Parents are living with ticking time bombs and will not report them because of the stigma. Most have no money to even consider helping the child. The individual goes on to rush a theater and shoot anyone and everyone because they have not had proper mental health care or enter a church and shoot someone because they are not "LIKE" him.

    If you have TB you would be placed under doctors care and not permitted to infect everyone. If you have cancer and no health care, you can die and no one chases you down to heal you. You die.

    If we were to look at mental illness like we should....like a virus that has the potential to kill others (and does so more often now) we would get people help. The alternative is what we have today....mass shootings on a regular basis.

    To all of you who want to scream liberal at me....I don't have the answers but I do have a question.


    OK...I'm off my soap box now.

  4. This pisses me off!

  5. 854 Bernie has you covered in free healthcare and college.. Oh yeah free pot also. Just going increase your taxes by 50 percent but it's free after you pay your entire wages.

  6. Who cares about which direction this is coming. The bottom line is, this is outrageous how THIS country treats their Veteran's. OUTRAGEOUS.

  7. How do we make this right?

  8. Once a military member leaves service, unless he or she retires with pay or has a physical or mental disability rating for which they receive some form of income, they're paid up to their last day in service and unpaid thereafter.
    There should be a reasonable period after discharge during which the veteran receives some form of subsistence pay and post-service job training and employment assistance, along with, if necessary, subsidized housing during that transitional period, along with (some won't like this) mandatory periodic mental health checks, these to ensure that their transition has the best possible outcome. Too many of our vets have done and seen too many ugly things and silently suffer through interminable days and nights as unsuccessfully try to forget or rationalize. Forgetting is impossible, rationalization unhealthy.
    Too little emphasis is put on making sure that each and every veteran has the best chance to succeed after service. That needs to change. We owe them that.


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