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Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Hillary Clinton Critics Raise Questions After Video Captures This Moment in Polk County, Iowa

Though the Hillary Clinton campaign is claiming victory in Iowa following Monday’s caucuses, a video from one Democratic caucus event is leading some observers to question whether she actually won the state. And several Democrats are now raising allegations of voter fraud.

At Roosevelt High School in Des Moines, supporters of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders asked for a recount and didn’t get it.

Drew Gentsch, the Des Moines District 43 Democratic caucus chairman, told the assembled crowd at the high school that the count from that precinct would not make a difference in the state delegate count.

The video that someone uploaded onto the C-SPAN website carries the headline, “Clinton Voter Fraud in Polk County, Iowa Caucus.” The description states, “Caucus chair and Clinton precinct captain do not conduct actual count of Clinton supporters and deliberately mislead caucus.”



  1. That's better than the Republicans who just cancelled voting entirely in districts in Maine that would have gone to Ron Paul

  2. So, Hillarry lost, but won anyway.

  3. The whole process is a joke. So much room for fraud. Oh gee let's flip a coin to see who wins . And Hillery won all 6 coin flips. ALL THE HOOPLA OVER THIS. Lol

  4. People in the crowd calling on their iphones. Technology-driven society and this is what Iowa deems as acceptable. Think it's time the country re-thought this state being the first to vote. They're more backwards than the Shore.

  5. They count hands? How difficult it is to give everyone a slip of people or a token? Saw another article that alleges Ted Cruz's campaign told Ben Carson followers that Carson was bowing out of the race so they should vote for Cruz.

  6. Bernie might have an accident or commit suicide.

  7. Bernie will win Hillary will be VP Bernie will have a stroke Hillary will be President.

  8. They are using common core math.


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