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Friday, February 05, 2016

HildaBeast Booed in NH Debate

Sparks fly at Clinton, Sanders debate over who is more progressive

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders clashed sharply Thursday over who is more progressive, at a debate that saw the former secretary of state ratcheting up her criticism of the Vermont senator on several fronts – even accusing him of engineering an “artful smear” with suggestions she could be “bought” by donors.

The debate, the first since the Iowa caucuses and last before next week’s critical New Hampshire primary, was by far the most confrontational of the Democratic primary race.

Clinton, coming off a narrow Iowa win and trying to shrink Sanders’ huge lead in Granite State polls, stayed on offense for most of the night. She slammed Sanders’ campaign promises as too costly, while standing firm in claiming she’s a true “progressive” despite Sanders’ comments to the contrary.



  1. Anyone else threatening to jump into the race?

  2. They boo now but will vote for her in November. That's how stupid they are.

  3. I haven't seen that yet, but that is good news.

  4. Exactly 11:33 AM

    NOW you see the picture... It is a shame these people are that stupid... And we all know you cannot fix stupid!!!! They also seem to think their vote counts... Which is laughable...

    If you are looking for a new car, and the dealer ask you what are you looking for to buy and you say I would like to buy a Mercedes Benz... He says, well I have these two pintos over here that you have to pick from, one red and one green... So when you get to pick between two colors for a car, sure you have a choice, but do you really have a choice if someone is telling you, you will pick between the same model car but only get to choose different colors? If you believe you have a choice then you are more stupid than dirt...

  5. what is really a shame here is that progressives are just socialists. it is a shame that there are so many people that actually think that this is a good thing for this country. it is sad

  6. I haven't seen anything she's done wrong yet,nor has anyone else.We've taken what we've been told by the MSM and accepted it as the gospel.I refuse to be railroaded into believing anything that I cannot accurately verify.I'm certainly not going to vote for Hillary,but fair is fair.


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