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Wednesday, February 17, 2016

George W. Bush Steps Up for Jeb: He Can 'Fix the Problems'

Donald Trump's name was never mentioned from the stage, but it was clear the GOP front-runner was target of multiple barbs as former President George W. Bush joined the campaign for his brother Jeb Bush Monday in North Charleston, South Carolina.

"These are tough times, and I understand that Americans are angry and frustrated," George W. Bush told the cheering crowd of supporters. "But we do not need someone in the Oval Office who mirrors and inflames our anger and frustration; we need someone who can fix the problems that cause their anger and frustration — and that's Jeb Bush."



  1. That moron can't even hold on to his own domain name.....he's a moron...

  2. When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie that's a moron for sure.

  3. I just saw a report in which Jeb Bush stated that he would fight to the end rather than see someone hi-jack the republican party that supports the conservative values that define our country. He was directing his comments toward Donald Trump.
    To his statement I say this:
    The republican party has been damaged beyond repair by individual greed. (make no mistake, the same is true with the Dem party) Bush is a party hack who aspires to push forward the agenda of the establishment republican party without regard to the will of the American public. The polls are indicative of the will of the people. Trump continues to be at the top of the polls because the vast majority of American people want to hear the truth. They don’t want to be spoon fed propaganda which is exactly what Jeb Bush is doing. His mantra is that the republican party of ten years ago is the only true choice of conservative Americans and that anyone with a different opinion is not truly conservative. Guess what Jeb. Americans are waking up. They watched as the republican party hi-jacked the tea party movement in an attempt to keep the conservative movement from fracturing. They watched as those who ran for office on the tea party momentum were elected – and then immediately reverted back to establishment principles to which they were opposed during the election process. It was painfully apparent again when the immediate past speaker of the house resigned and a “new” republican speaker took the seat promising to make decisions reflecting the will of true conservatives and then the collective conservative members of congress fully funded a liberal agenda. Jeb, Americans are sick and tired of lies. They are tired of being duped. Trump cannot be bought by special interests. He cannot be controlled by the establishment party. For those reasons, those who represent or support (blindly or otherwise) the establishment republican party are collectively coming out in opposition of Trump. They are openly questioning the intelligence of Trump supporters in an attempt to galvanize the republican establishment base. It’s not working. We are witnessing the desperation and death throes of the establishment republican party and the rise of common sense conservatism which basks in the warmth and light of something that neither the establishment republican or democrat party has seen in a long, long time – the cold, hard, honest TRUTH. Finally, we the conservative people, have taken a stance AGAINST establishment politics and FOR our country.
    True conservative republicans are supporting Trump. Conservative democrats are crossing party lines and are supporting Trump in record numbers. The new trend is leading away from (R) and (D) and toward (C) Conservative and (L) Liberal. I would venture to say that most Americans are conservative and support the constitution and far fewer are liberal.
    I predict that the establishment republican party will attempt to broker the nomination and nominate an establishment hack that they can control in spite of the will of the people as demonstrated in both the poll numbers and the results of the primaries. If this happens, the American public will have all it needs to justify the belief that their votes don’t count in much the same way they didn’t count in the days, months, and years leading up to the American Revolution. We as a nation cannot afford any further erosion of our faith in our government. To the establishment republican party, SHAME ON YOU for ignoring the will of the people. SHAME ON YOU for supporting lies over truth. Good riddance to your stinking, rotten carcass.

  4. 9:59

    That was one heck of a post!

  5. ANOTHER politician promising to "change things".
    ANOTHER electorate falling for it again.
    I'd respect him more if he came out and said "I'm not changing sh**. I'm going to start some wars, kill a lot of your kids (mine are going to Harvard), enrich my corporate friends in the military-industrial complex, take a lot of international trips with my family, and party like it's 1999!!"
    I still wouldn't vote for that weak pansy loser, but I'd give him credit for telling us the TRUTH.
    He's a politician though. A PROFESSIONAL politician.
    The truth is beyond his ability to speak it.
    All at once, now, USA! USA! USA!!! Cue the jets!
    Its a wonder he didn't take the stage with an American flag draped over him. If it's a show, might as well go all out.
    Keep cheering!!


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