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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Drones To Deliver Supplies To Soldiers

The Army is looking to use drones to deliver supplies to soldiers on the battlefield. Computerworld reports the idea was floated by Larry Perecko, branch chief for Science and Technology at the Army’s Combined Arms Support Command (CASCOM) Sustainment Battle Lab in Fort Lee, Virginia. Perecko brought it up while speaking with soldiers who told of their frustration delivering supplies in mountainous terrain like in Afghanistan.


  1. It seems the report on the issue is cut off?

    Great idea in principal though...

  2. I use a Drown to drop cigarettes to my husband in the jail yard last summer.

  3. It would be an incredible use of technology, especially for getting ammo into the field in the event of heavy combat or if the enemy has effectively cutoff a passage through the mountains. It's just like any other military airlift except now you are not endangering a pilot along with the equipment. The downside is what happens if the enemy shoots the drone down and collects the goodies that it carries? Ce la vie!


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