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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Delaware Gun Sales ‘Surging’ Thanks to ‘Nontraditional’ Buyers

Delaware gun sales surged in December and January thanks to “nontraditional,” or first time, gun buyers.

Background checks for the two month period were up “26 percent” over checks for the same two-month period a year ago.

According to Delaware Online, the surge is due to “nontraditional gun owners” deciding it is time to get a gun. University of Delaware senior Dominique Carpio is a perfect example. She was previously “anti-gun” but became concerned “about becoming a victim of one of the crimes she frequently hears about in New Castle County.” So she went and bought gun with which to defend herself.

Bob Miller owns Miller’s Gun Center and he credited a large portion of the surging sales to the national media’s fixation on high profile shooters. He suggested “there’s a concern (about safety) that’s media-driven.”


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