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Sunday, February 28, 2016

Delaware Cop Breaking The Law


  1. Don't you know? Cops can't break the law. Just ask their police review board.

  2. who is this guy? How has he not been punished yet? there should be a way for the police agencies to know that their police vehicles are going way over the speed limit. this officer needs to be fired. it's not like he can deny it.

  3. Nothing will happen like usual and of course they all demand our respect. Pathetic.

  4. Cops do get tickets, and cops have to pay camera tickets, even while in a police car. They also get in trouble at work for speeding, believe it or not, it's the truth.

  5. And the guy following him is any better, HOW?

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    And the guy following him is any better, HOW?

    February 25, 2016 at 3:20 PM

    the same way a cop has to speed to catch a speeder?

  7. February 25, 2016 at 2:43 PM

    I don't believe it, because it is only on the rarest of occasions that it will happen. It takes very special circumstances for a cop to get a speeding ticket. They are trained and AUTHORIZED to exceed the posted speed limits and also to drive at high speeds. If you don't think that is an extremely rare occurrence when a cop gets a ticket, then you are the one that doesn't know the truth. You might just be a tad naive.

  8. This video is also proof of how the idiots driving in the passing lane feel they are entitled to stay there and not move over. Most states have "slow moving vehicles move right" laws but they are obviously never enforced. I can't stand idiots that refuse to move to the right especially when they know they are holding up 10 to 20 drivers in the passing lane.

  9. February 25, 2016 at 3:47 PM

    And I can't stand the idiots that expect me to move over so that they can cut right back in front of me to shoot off the exit, rather than moving over to the right lane. I never move over for all you idiots that are racing in the fast lane to the next exit. I see it every day. I see people race in the fast lane all the way to the exit and cut off traffic already on the exit ramp. Again, see it every day on Rt 50. I drive 5-10 MPH over the speed limit, in the fast lane, when approaching exit ramps and on ramps, no matter what the morons behind me are attempting to do. I am thru traffic, not a racer to the exit. If you are taking the next exit, move the heck over and don't expect everyone to get out of your way. Get road rage, I don't care.

  10. So the film maker does 100 one handed to film the cop! He should be charged and probably will be. Police can't be charged in this particular case bc the producers vehicle is not calibrated.

  11. And I can't stand the idiots that expect me to move over so that they can cut right back in front of me to shoot off the exit, rather than moving over to the right lane. I never move over for all you idiots that are racing in the fast lane to the next exit. I see it every day. I see people race in the fast lane all the way to the exit and cut off traffic already on the exit ramp. Again, see it every day on Rt 50. I drive 5-10 MPH over the speed limit, in the fast lane, when approaching exit ramps and on ramps, no matter what the morons behind me are attempting to do. I am thru traffic, not a racer to the exit. If you are taking the next exit, move the heck over and don't expect everyone to get out of your way. Get road rage, I don't care.

    February 25, 2016 at 4:39 PM

    YOU are the idiot and karma will get you eventually. you are breaking the law, ( I know, you don't care) you are impeding the flow of traffic, you are a hazard, you don't know the rules of the road, you are responsible for your own actions not the actions of others.

    you are inconsiderate, rude, and an accident waiting to happen. I hope for your families sake you have good auto insurance and health insurance. ( I don't care about you )

    I see your type all the time too. And wish the cops would enforce other laws besides speeding and give idiots like you the tickets they deserve.

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    So the film maker does 100 one handed to film the cop! He should be charged and probably will be. Police can't be charged in this particular case bc the producers vehicle is not calibrated.

    February 25, 2016 at 4:39 PM

    actually if you watched the video AND paid attention to it you would have heard the man say the camera was MOUNTED on the right side of his car. that's why he had to get in front of the cop and slow down forcing him to pass on the right, since the cop would not get out of the left lane like the idiot at 439.

  13. 5:12:

    Ha, ha. You are the one I was speaking to. I am actually a professional, CDL licensed driver. When approaching exit and on ramps, thru traffic should use the left lane to allow egress of other traffic on and off the highway. The left lane is not always a "passing" lane. I haven't had a moving violation since 1978. The odds are that you can not say the same, especially with your attitude about rules of the road. That you think I am "inconsiderate and rude" because I get in the way of your "king of the road" mentality, just shows your impatience and immaturity. You and your kind are the ones getting into accidents and getting tickets. Perhaps you will learn to share the road someday, but somehow, I doubt it.

  14. February 25, 2016 at 7:25 PM

    you may have a cdl but you are no professional. I drove for 20 years, 2 million accident free miles and a clean mvr. what I said about you still stands and now you are even worse than I imagined. YOU are supposed to know better, but still drive like a jerk. And you have the nerve to talk about king of the road mentality and sharing the road!

    I have seen plenty of billy big riggers like you also. BTY, no one is required to move over for anyone exiting or entering a highway, THEY must yield, or didn't you know that? In certain circumstances it would be courteous to move over for someone if safe to do so, but adjusting one's speed is all that is necessary regardless. But that isn't what you were talking about in the first place.

    You can talk that crap to convince yourself but I already know what type of driver you are. The one that gives the rest of us a bad name.

  15. February 25, 2016 at 7:25 PM:

    You are full of it. What total BS. I outed you and now you just make up a bunch of lies about your exemplary skills. You do note that "courtesy" is not required, and that says it all about you. Tsk, Tsk, I definitely know how to handle drivers like you on the highway. Again, get your road rage (and tickets), I don't care. I know an aggressive driver like you gets tickets, so go try to convince someone else that you have a "clean" MVR. Maybe you've managed to go 3 years without a ticket, but I have 38 years without one. I have really good insurance rates! Aggressive drivers like you get the tickets, and the accidents. Trained defensive drivers, like myself, reap the benefits.

  16. 7:25 PM: Maybe they will be able to say, yeah, you had the right of way in the accident you are involved in..."Dead Right". Go ahead, pull out in front of the truck, because you have the green light, or they have the stop sign. You are not a smart driver, if you think taking the right of way is safe driving, and moving over to allow others to merge on the highway is a "courtesy". That Karma you speak of is bearing down on you.


  17. This was meant for February 25, 2016 at 11:14 PM:

    You are full of it. What total BS. I outed you and now you just make up a bunch of lies about your exemplary skills. You do note that "courtesy" is not required, and that says it all about you. Tsk, Tsk, I definitely know how to handle drivers like you on the highway. Again, get your road rage (and tickets), I don't care. I know an aggressive driver like you gets tickets, so go try to convince someone else that you have a "clean" MVR. Maybe you've managed to go 3 years without a ticket, but I have 38 years without one. I have really good insurance rates! Aggressive drivers like you get the tickets, and the accidents. Trained defensive drivers, like myself, reap the benefits.

    February 26, 2016 at 9:55 AM

  18. February 26, 2016 at 2:03 PM

    you're just crazy

  19. . You are not a smart driver, if you think taking the right of way is safe driving, and moving over to allow others to merge on the highway is a "courtesy". That Karma you speak of is bearing down on you.

    February 26, 2016 at 10:10 AM

    That is exactly what it is, a courtesy. The ones entering a highway have to yield the right of way. It is their responsibility to match highway speeds before entering. It is not the responsibility of highway drivers to change their speed or direction of travel to accommodate them. If they can't merge at that time, the yield sign becomes a stop sign and they must stop and wait for an opportunity to merge.

    Driving 101.

  20. February 26, 2016 at 9:55 AM

    looks like you've been doing it wrong for 38 years and just haven't been caught yet.

  21. Why are people so worried about cops going above the speed limit? I'll never understand it , so what!

  22. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Why are people so worried about cops going above the speed limit? I'll never understand it , so what!

    February 28, 2016 at 9:57 AM0

    Jealous. They too scared to do it themselves and get really upset when others do it

  23. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Why are people so worried about cops going above the speed limit? I'll never understand it , so what!

    February 28, 2016 at 9:57 AM

    well the so what is they have to obey the laws just as we do. wearing a costume and a piece of tin does not grant extra rights.

  24. I want the police to speed past then I can speed later. Nothing worse then cop doing 55 and holding traffic for miles. Thanks to bored people they are slowing down and writing more tickets. Get a life join a gym.

  25. Who cares . How about the dummy running 100 to keep up . Such a law abiding citizen .

  26. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Who cares . How about the dummy running 100 to keep up . Such a law abiding citizen .

    February 28, 2016 at 6:53 PM

    there's one now

  27. everybody thinks they are an above-average driver. from people who won't get out of the left lane, people blocking people in, trying to slow down those pesky little speeders, at least two truckers who don't even know the rules of the road, everybody worried about how someone else is driving, etc.

    Is it any wonder why they are coming out with self-driving cars? And even big rigs now. Driving is a lost art. If everyone drove half as good as they thought they can, traffic would always flow smoothly, no road rage, no competition, no jealousy, no whiners, etc.

    But humans are a flawed bunch

  28. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Who cares . How about the dummy running 100 to keep up . Such a law abiding citizen .

    February 28, 2016 at 6:53 PM

    you say who cares but then you say what about... lol hypocrite much?


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