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Friday, February 19, 2016

Commission Chair Proud To Safeguard Town’s Historic Character

BERLIN – For Carol Rose, serving on the town’s historic district commission comes down to one thing.

“You’ve got to love your town,” the longtime resident said.

Rose, the current chair of the Berlin Historic District Commission, has been serving on the board tasked with maintaining the downtown’s historic character for a dozen years. Born and raised in Berlin, her memories of the town and interest in its history made her eager to serve when she was asked to do so by then-Mayor Tom Cardinale. She’s been volunteering her time ever since. She’s spoken to local children about the town’s historic buildings, advised homeowners on where they might find grants and researched the applications presented to the historic district commission each month.

According to the historic preservation section of Berlin’s town code, the purpose of the historic district commission is to safeguard the heritage of the town by preserving its architectural history. The commission is tasked with reviewing applications from property owners interested in making exterior changes to buildings within the town’s historic district, which runs from roughly Powellton Avenue to the end of South Main Street.

“Before the construction, alteration, repair, moving or demolition of any structure, including, without limitation, a change of exterior color, wall or roof surfacing materials, is made within the historic district, which would affect the exterior appearance of a structure or site in the district, the person proposing the construction or change shall file with the historic district commission…,” the code reads. “Every such application shall be referred to and considered by the historic district commission, and no permit for any change may be granted until the commission has acted thereon as hereinafter provided.”


1 comment:

  1. Wish we had cardinale back we would not have so much town debt


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