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Saturday, February 06, 2016

Citizens United: Rubio OK, Trump, Cruz Are 'Change Agents'

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio would be acceptable as president, but Texas Sen. Ted Cruz or businessman Donald Trump would do a far better job of changing the culture in Washington, Citizens United President David Bossie tells Newsmax TV.

"I've known Marco since before he got elected to the United States Senate, so I don't hold him out as a liberal," Bossie told "The Hard Line" host Ed Berliner on Wednesday. "I hold him out as somebody who is coalescing the establishment around him, or at least attempting to right now coming out of a third-place finish in Iowa."

Rubio finished third in Iowa to Cruz and Trump, whom Bossie described as "change agents."

Rubio wouldn't be as bad as those in the "Washington cartel" who don't listen to what the American people want but instead benefit their "crony friends," Bossie said.



  1. Rubio
    George Soros owned

  2. Rubio is merely a puppet sanctioned by the GOP establishment. Reince and his cronies don't seem to embrace the fact that most voters are now looking for outsiders because the insiders have proved to be adjunct failures at policy making and policing Obama's pen and thought insanity. Formerly respected Republicans like Paul Ryan have been proven impotent in the fact of handling real power and become the lapdogs of the Left - thus, driving this country further towards the brink of economic and militaristic disaster.

    Cruz, after the Carson debauchery has proven that while he may or may not have committed infractions of legally questionable nature, he couldn't care less either way. After all, as many lawyers will tell you, "Just because something is legal, doesn't make it moral..." So do we want immorality in our Presidency? Good question. I would hope not but Cruz-abots seem to blindly march forth ignoring the fact that his win in Iowa is questionable at best.

    Which leaves us, Trump. Listen, I know some of you think he's obnoxious, brash, unbridled passion and truculent - but show me a good president who didn't possess all those qualities. Here we are on Ronald Reagan's birthday -- and he was one of the most brash, unbridled passion, obnoxious and truculent men there ever was. But was he a great president? Most people would scream YES. He pulled this country out of its malaise and back into a thriving black ink society. Not sure if you're aware of this but Trump knew Reagan. Trump also didn't think much of Bush, Sr. the man whose NEW WORLD ORDER garbage got us into this PC-driven BS we live in today.

    Whether or not Trump is ingenuous, only time will tell but of the top three, he's your best bet because after all, he just wants to make America great again. No other candidate in the last three presidential election cycles has had the courage or know how to say that -- all we've gotten is hope and change. Well, I hope the change served you well as I know a lot of people hope and change got them nothing but broke, uninsured and unemployed.

    Have a great day - Carry on.

  3. oh, and, Happy Birthday Ronald Reagan. Missing you more and more with every passing day!

  4. I'm voting trump and proud of it


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