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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Carrier Received $5.1 Million in Obama-Stimulus Cash Before Move To Mexico

Heating and air-conditioning company Carrier, which has announced it will move 1,400 Americans’ jobs to Mexico, received $5.1 million from the Obama administration.

Local media reported the “Department of Energy awarded Carrier $5.1 million in clean energy tax credits in December 2013” for its Indianapolis facility. They planned to use the money to “expand production at its Indianapolis facility to meet increasing demand for its eco-friendly condensing gas furnace product line.”

From WIBC:

“Energy Efficient Buildings: With the support of $5.1 million in 48C Program tax credits, Carrier Corporation will expand production at its Indianapolis facility to meet increasing demand for its eco-friendly condensing gas furnace product line. The new line includes the most energy efficient gas furnaces on the market – all with at least 95 percent annual fuel utilization efficiency”



  1. I would think that the Carrier workers would be happy relocating to Mexico because the cost of living down there is so much less than here.

  2. The real question is with all these "American" companies moving to mexico, why do they still come here for work? Is it work they seek or all the handouts from democrats? If they have good jobs available there from our companies, then there is no need to come here for work...only handouts. Makes sense why they vote dem and dems love them. Will be hilarious when there is no one in mexico to work for these companies and they come crawling back. I say any company that goes there should be banned from re-entry unless they pay a fine totalling the profits they made in mexico. And should have to pay increased import taxes on any product they sell in the US.

  3. I agree with Trump,if the companies move out of the country,put a high tariff when they ship products back.

  4. 9:27 - at this point it is the handouts!

  5. 9:27 its because they are so uneducated and ignorant that the only work they can do is manual labor in chicken plants or farm fields. They have no technical training in Mexico.

  6. again the obama administration exhibits it's propensity towards stupidity and the ruination of this country. carrier probably used the money for purchasing a new factory in mexico

  7. it was used for bonuses for the top execs


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