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Sunday, February 07, 2016

BREAKING NEWS: Martin O'Malley to announce he's suspending presidential campaign

Martin O'Malley, the two-term governor of Maryland whose presidential campaign has struggled to gain traction, will announce Monday night that he is suspending his campaign.

Multiple sources close to O'Malley's campaign said the Democrat will make the announcement at around 10:30 p.m. Eastern time.

The announcement comes after O'Malley barely registered in the first-in-the-nation Iowa caucuses, failing to meet the low expectations set by polling in the weeks before the contest. The Democrat did not receive the 15 percent threshold of caucus goers needed to be considered viable in many precincts.


EDITOR'S NOTE: Mike Huckabee has also suspended his 2016 presidential campaign.


  1. Back to thugville Baltimore md.

  2. Since he just got about $800.000 to keep his campaign going, is he going to return it back to the taxpayers, or steel it like the furniture from the governors mansion, Stay on it Joe,

  3. Very strange timing indeed.


  4. Oh, rats. He'll probably be hanging out in A'polis with his banjo again. It's been nice having him out of state.

  5. It is so,so sad to see him come back to Maryland.

  6. Hopefully he'll leave the country

  7. Looks like Marty used his one active brain cell for a good decision....finally!

  8. Proof that Iowans. at least, have a brain!

  9. What took him so long. That ship's been sinking for a long time. He should have given the money he spent back to the people. He knew he wouldn't go anywhere.

  10. Thank God! This arrogant man is obnoxious. All he did was let the country know what Marylanders knew already; NO ONE LIKES HIM!

  11. I think even Liarton could beat him.
    Can you imagine the sissy fight between them?? Now that would be funny!

  12. Good, now lets hope someone stomps the life out this bag of wind.

  13. He did just get a big load of taxpayer $ to extend his campaign I think just last week! Follow that money!


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