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Sunday, February 28, 2016

Black Lives Matter Co-Founder: ‘All Lives Matter’ a Racial Slur, ‘White Folks Gotta Give Up Something’

Black Lives Matter co-founder Marissa Jenae Johnson said the phrase “all lives matter” is a “new racial slur,” in a recent interview with Fox News national correspondent John Roberts.

“White Americans have created the conditions that require a phrase like ‘Black Likes Matter,'” said the 24-year-old Seattle-based activist. “Do you know how horrific it is to grow up as a child in a world that so hates you? While you’re literally being gunned down in the street, while you’re being rounded up and mass incarcerated and forced into prison slavery.”

“Black Lives Matter is not a strong enough statement for me,” Johnson added.



  1. I like a good racist code word.

    All lives matter. Cheers

  2. Can someone say "vigilante"

  3. You'll have to pry whatever you think it is we white people "owe" you out of my cold dead hands !!!

  4. When you are literally being gunned down in the street by your own people and being "rounded up" for "prison slavery" for your actions. Yes, I can see that being a problem caused by "white people." I am so sick of hearing about this BS. White people are the problem for everything that happens to black people if you listen to them. Where is the personal accountability? When do you become responsible for your own life? EVERYONE has things they have to overcome. Some do and some don't but it isn't a whole races' fault if you fail to rise to the occasion.

  5. You are not even worth a response.

  6. 5:42 you are not taking into account that this is the type of life blacks prefer: rape, gangs, drugs, murder, white-girl-bleed beatdowns, rioting at malls by "young people", disruptive behavior and lack of respect in the school room, laziness, no work ethic and lack of the basic skills of pronunciation and the english lanquage, stupid names that no one can spell, lack of personal hygiene, bodies covered with tatoos, gold teeth, fingernails down while on welfare, free amenities courtesy of the taxpayer. So they don't see it as the "personal responsibility" you mention. America needs to wake up and realize that its never going to change - only going to get worse. I am 66 and it gets worse by the year and the only answer "they" have is to take away guns,make the working taxpayer up the ante, legalize drugs, and lower the educational standards to such a joke it makes one vomit. Sound racist??? yeah, well who cares.The black community has brought it on themselves and alienated whites so bad that the blacks themselves are responsible for the racism and hate. I tried for decades but I'm done with it. To hell with them all.

  7. 7:22 am, I'm with you!

  8. Hit the nail on the head 7:22.

  9. Hit the nail on the head 7:22.

  10. Not going to be satisfied until it's an all out battle

  11. 7:22 You are not alone with your honesty and evaluation. I'm 69, a veteran, retired and worked with worked with many black people at DP&L. I never considered myself racist, but it's getting tougher and tougher not to become racist. I'm so sick of this thug crap being unleashed on white people because young black people will not take responsibility for their own actions. And when we have a President encouraging their disruptive behavior it makes it that much worse.

  12. FBI stats show this is not true. 100 percent no doubt blacks are killing blacks. It's very sad. This pos will not turn me into racist. I respect everyone that respects me. She can go float herself.

  13. And when we are all gone there will be no one left to feed your poor sorry selves. What happens then?

  14. It is difficult to find a white person who is racist.

    Many black people are now racist and are being encouraged to become racist.

    It is very sad.

  15. Joe what alarms me about all of this is the total ignorance of these people. I am sure somewhere a Black person is saying "these people" that is racist. That is my point there is this entitlement that goes far beyond any common sense. I am over fifty and can say as a child a was a devout racist. I grew up in Baltimore in low income housing and as a White I was targeted continually by Blacks. When I went to high school I played all major sports. The commonality and loyalty to one another let me see there was no barrier other then pure racism. I joined the Marines and it became more evident that it was all a state of mind. There was and is no difference. A human being is just that.

    This new breed is much different. The total lack of common sense is unfathomable. My point is Ferguson and situations like that. Even when proven the allegations of racism are false. The Black community hangs on to the lie and violently acts out. Baltimore is another prime example. President Ohbama did not apologize when Holder himself stated the facts did not match the racist lie that Michael brown had his hands up. The latest case in Albany New York where three girls of color stated on 911 they where assaulted on a public bus by Whites and that Whites called them Niggers. All proved to be a lie when the on bus video became public. Even after the lie was exposed BLM crew still protested on the campus.

    I guess my question is where does it stop. People who have never uttered a racist statement or had a racist thought are becoming disillusioned with this new breed of racism perpetuated against White America. Educated Black Americans need to intervene before any more damage is done. I have nephews that have recently purchased firearms stating they are getting ready. These young men have never acted or stated anything racist. They just feel it is coming and they will not let their families be victims. I can not recall a time in my life that I felt American vs. American violent confrontation would take place. These BLM kids have no idea what they wish for could come true. The simple logistics show they would lose both the war and the cause. They are in fact the minority in all aspects.

    Time for Americans of all colors to shut this down while we still can. It is a cause based on lies and perpetrated by the liberal left. I would never bare arms against a fellow American unless forced to do so. Sadly if this happens we will all be forced to choose where we stand like it or not.

  16. 24 yr old activist? Yep, she has lots and lots of life experience there!!!!


  17. It all started with slavery and the KKK. . .GENERATIONAL curses. . .and these "morals/values" still exist. The black people are not the ones who are bringing the drug into the country nor the guns. . take a guess at who is responsible for that. .so when you start arresting the higher ups who are responsible for those doing those two things than you will start seeing a decline in the over all crime rate in the communities. Its all about "the have and the have nots."

    I agree that today's youth (all races) don't fear too much of anything.. .the rich kids "steal" their parents cars and prescription drugs and it is swept under the rug. . why because their parents know people . .while the poor kids try to re-create what they see in the media and some of them try to do it the "right" way but many don't.

    Eventually all races will be intertwined then whose fault will it be?

  18. If you want to see who is committing all of the crimes in Wicomico County, go to court on a Friday and check it out. Just go and sit in the crowd ...

  19. 1:16 why Friday? court are open Monday thru Thursday as well?

  20. 11:32 Good valid points. You are on the true issues that must be faced.

  21. I'm with 88. This is a fed disease, and by fed, I mean it both ways.

  22. All that blame whitey talk is ridiculous.Black men can and DO succeed,its just a matter of priorities.Stop playing the victim protesters!!

  23. Ask Eric Holder about HIS UNOCOR prison factories employing half a million blacks for $1.15 an hour ...might be thle only honest wages many have ever earned while Obama cronies get their solar panels and office furniture produced cheaper than in Asia

  24. They only seem to matter when a camera is rolling or for political gain. Start manning up and excepting some responsibility. Start rapping about the virtues of hard work and an education. Until then nothing will change. You must start with yourself before blaming others. When more blacks are in college than in jail we will be moving in the right direction.

  25. I agree with 8:58 we have heard so much crap in the last 5-10 yearsI ask as I have asked many times how long or whites going to pay for slavery, and all the injustices you talk of. The Jews were put in prison in Germany, women & children gased in ovens. The American Indians lost their land to settlers, but YOU ONLY ARE THE SUPPRESSED PEOPLE. Read your Bible or whatever holy book you live by ALL LIVES DO MATTER. You have all these black shows, black pageants, black history months, do you see our shows etc labeled White shows, white pageants, white history month, if we did you would take it to the Supreme Court. Your real problems are with each other, murders black on black, drugs black on black, you burn towns, drug stores, grocery stores than you want them all rebuilt. I too am tired of it all, don't call 911 for help solve your own STUFF.

  26. BLM was designed to end free speech for white people.


  27. 'All Live Do Matter' - it's a fact, and those offended by it qualify for the term racist. My life matters to me, yours matters to you,and our family members, etc.

    We move a step beyond when we begin to care for others just because they are humans of whatever shape or color.

    The BLM crew are reluctant to face the fact that the biggest threat to any black person is another black person. That would be a useful starting point for them to fix.

  28. You all going to vote for Hillary and going get more of the same.

  29. 9:04 settlers lol. You do mean white folks right. Well Black Lives Matter needs to look no further Cowboys AKA white men Vs. Indians. When cornered or pushed Whites will rally. So BLM if you really want it you got it. Go ask an Indian how it worked out. Blacks think they own on the corner on savagery. Think again when pushed there is nothing more dangerous that an educated white man. Ask the Japs, Germans, English, Indians, Mexicans etc... So take your rhetoric else where. All lives matter. Honestly I am so sick of the bs I kinda hope it happens. Time to cleanse America of ignorance. Planes and boats to Africa daily get on it. Think it is racist here go to Africa where they rape and kill women and children by the thousands over tribal bs. Grow up and stand proud as an American Color Does Not Matter.

  30. Couldn't agree more!! How's this WET white entertainment television, white people meet dot com, national association advancement white people OH. It's coming and the legal fallout will be a game changer if it's allowed got one race and not white America

  31. BLM? Tell that to the white woman LEO from VA yesterday who was shot/killed by an active Army sergeant who is black....during a home domestic dispute.

    Won't see anything on this with mainstream media...no way!


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