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Thursday, February 25, 2016

Bernie Sanders: Republican Base Is ‘Absolutely’ Racist

There is racism in the Republican base, Vermont
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) said during Tuesday night’s CNN Democratic town hall in Columbia, South Carolina.

“There was an effort to delegitimize the president … do I think in some parts of that Republican base there’s racism involved? Absolutely,” he said.

“Nobody has asked for my birth certificate. Maybe it’s the color of my skin,” Sanders said, referring to the birther movement that questioned President Barack Obama’s natural-born status in the United States.

Donald Trump was one of those who voiced concerns about why Obama delayed releasing his long-form birth-certificate. “I’m not a psychoanalyst and boy, would a psychoanalyst have an interesting time with Donald Trump,” Sanders said.



  1. The man is a whaco basket case. He calls Republicans racists and then says he would increase funding for black colleges. What about white colleges moron? How in the Hell did he ever get elected for anything? Anyone who would vote for him just wants to live off those of us who are working and paying taxes.

  2. WHAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! An IDIOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Is it too late to get Ralph Nader to run again? lol

  4. Seriously - what is wrong with democrats? I guess they must really be afraid of losing this time. The racism crap is really getting old.

  5. Maybe because there is not doubt you are a citizen Bernie. Maybe you never claimed you were a citizen on a scholarship aid app. Oh, but those are facts and we know the issues democrats have with facts. They are really a problem at times.

  6. Bernie, put down the race card. We're all tired of it...

    It makes you look like a whack j...oh, look, you are!

  7. I sure do miss the old Lyndon LaRouche radio commercials from back in the day...in his jail cell!

  8. Sanders is no more of whack job than Trump.

  9. 12:39.....You can't really believe that.

  10. 12:39 Whatever your smoking I want some because you truly can;t be that stupid.


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