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Saturday, February 06, 2016

Ben Carson On Cruz Tactics in Iowa: ‘By Their Fruit You Will Know Them’

Retired neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson cites the Gospel of Matthew, saying that when it comes to his political opponents, “by their fruit you will know them.”

“I hope you will judge all the people running for this position by the same standards,” he said at the National Press Club, refusing to say to reporters whether he was referring directly to Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX).

When pressed by reporters, however, Carson explained that it was clear what happened in Iowa, where members of Cruz’s campaign sent a message to caucus supporters hinting that Carson might be dropping out of the race.

“It’s clear that there were people who tried to take advantage of a situation who tried to distort information there’s no question about that,” Carson said.

Carson confirmed he spoke with Cruz about what happened and would wait to see what actions the senator would take.

“Sen. Cruz told me that he was not aware of that when I talked to him and he did not agree with that kind of thing … and we’ll wait to see what he does to demonstrate that,” Carson said.

More here


  1. Cruz is a liar and a cheat, yet holds himself up as such a good Christian.

  2. Dr. Carson should look at scripture regarding hell which he does not believe in. Also, did he really have to go to get shirts during such an important time?

  3. Says Carson, who claims to have attempted to stab someone and beat people up with baseball bats(by his own admission/claim).

    And now? It looks like he's pumped up with so many sedatives, he may just fall over or drool on the microphone.

  4. Carson is a loser,which he has proven since this issue happened.NH is smart enough to recognize the poor me mentality involved here.You will see what I mean tonight and during the NH primary.Don't attack me,just wait for the primary & see for yourself.

  5. I like Carson he has saved so many kids lives. However I'm voting for trump and when he wins I hope he appoints Mr Carson to a good job. Cruz had done nothing in his years as a Jr Senator. The bills he supported where right down the middle with zero friction he has know backbone. Yes I'm using internet short hand.

  6. 424 loser?! Really? A pediatric neurosurgeon can never be described as a loser!! Put down your natural lite and your menthal

  7. Watch him tonight and watch his vote tally on Tuesday night 4:55.That's all I ask.Let the outcome speak for itself.

  8. I am sick and tired of CHEATERS in the oval office. I don't care what Cruz professes to be....Christian or not.....he cheated. Do we need another liar in the oval office?????

    I will not vote for a Hillary/Bill or Cruz.

  9. 502 I will never watch any that propaganda. Do research on their careers and bills they have supported. That is what is important not some ridiculous debate hosted by a network making millions off of sheep like youself. Vote trump

  10. Cruz cheated because he passed on a CNN story? Really? I have great respect for Carson but he is wrong on this one. If for no other reason not one person has come forward to say that announcement changed their vote. What is unethical about passing on a news story reported by a major news station. Granted it was CNN and Cruz himself said (and apologized) that they should have confirmed it but to say it was unethical is way too far. Carson should accept that his poor showing was his fault and learn from his mistakes. I think either of these gentlemen would make a excellent President.

  11. 6:40PM There was a lot more to the story than what you are talking about here. Cruz did some pretty shady things during Iowa. He sent out voter intimidation cards, grading voters' performances in previous elections -- along with their NEIGHBORS voting records and grades - that is under investigation with the Iowa Board of Elections. He had postcards of a picture with the Clintons at Trump's wedding in the early 90s and had that circulating throughout Trump rallies. His campaign not only circulated a major mass mailing, they called 150 election captains and said that Carson had dropped out and to tell voters to caucus for Cruz instead. This is illegal in the state of Iowa. It is interference in the voting process. There is nothing 'legal' about it.

    Rubio has been suspected as well of doing malfeasance here.

    To say either one is ready for prime time is to completely ignore the above - and join the moral lobotomy party.

  12. Didn't see any of this crap from the Trump camp did you? Who has integrity now?

  13. 640 give me 3 examples on Ted Cruz political career that makes you think he would be excellent president of the super power?! I can't find one and I have researched for days!

  14. 640 Cruz was born in Canada!! Hello!!

  15. 7:29 One. Cruz was champion of the Princeton Debate team they even named an annual competition after him. Two. After his first year as Senator he received Six awards from various Conservative advocacy groups (such as the American Spectator) for Man of the Year. Three. He argued nine cases before the United States Supreme Court and won five of them. Four. Heritage Action of America gives Cruz a perfect 100% on its annual rankings for Conservative voting. Compare that to Trump and his lifetime support of Liberal policies.Five. Cruz has listed five federal departments and twenty five federal agencies and commissions he would eliminate. Specific actions he would take instead of slogans like I'm gonna make America great again. Found these after researching about two minutes!

  16. 6:58 OH MY!!! Cruz sent mailers to people encouraging them to get out and vote! How terrible! Then he pointed out the long time support Trump has given both the Clintons! Just glad he didn't do anything really bad like slam POWs for being captured or say a female candidate for President is not qualified because of her appearance.

  17. So can any of you Trump supporters list three reasons he would be a good President? How about he's rich and not bought by special interests. No that won't work because by his own admission he made that money by buying politicians. It would be like hiring a pimp to get the hookers off the street. How about he is conservative. No that won't work because he has a life long history of supporting liberal causes and liberal politicians. Can't wait for the Hillary commercials showing Trump praising her! You claim he has integrity! How about mocking a handicapped reporter or personally attacking a debate host for asking a legitimate question. Even bringing up her menstrual cycle, real classy. How about trying to use Eminent Domain to throw a old widow out of her home so he could make a Limo parking lot? His support of Vets? Like when he used his political connections to get Vets removed from concession stands on Fifth Avenue because it might hurt his motel?

  18. 10:18 Hello! Cruz meets the long accepted criteria to be classified as a natural born citizen. This has been confirmed by numerous legal institutions. Get over it!


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