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Thursday, February 25, 2016

Arrests Made In McDonald's Assault On Marine

Police on Monday arrested two juveniles for their assault on a decorated Marine in a Washington, D.C. McDonald’s, but have yet to charge either with a hate crime.

Chris Marquez, a decorated Marine veteran, was followed out of McDonald’s and assaulted by a person brandishing a handgun February 12 following a verbal altercation in which Marquez was called a racist.

The Metropolitan Police Department confirmed in a press release the arrests of two 17-year-old black juveniles Monday, one male, one female, for the attack. They were charged with aggravated assault and robbery, respectively. They have not yet been charged with a hate crime, but the investigation is ongoing.



  1. Well they need to be charged with a hate crime because it was nothing but that.

  2. The verbal "altercation" was evidently one-sided, followed by assault, possession of a handgun during a felony (two counts), armed robbery and ended with assault with intent to maim.
    Black lives matter. Black behavior matters just as much.

  3. Absolutely no caucasion assaulted by a black person or group of them will ever be charged with a hate crime against a caucasion. This charge of 'hate crime is on sided and a racist law only intended to punish caucasions for in the eyes of the that law only caucasions are capable of committing a 'hate crime' !

  4. And again it's a group vs. one person. How cowardly. Scum of earth.

  5. Here's a thought why not allow a group of ben from this marines unit meet up with these scumbags that jumped him and whatever outcome there is leave that as "justice served "

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Here's a thought why not allow a group of ben from this marines unit meet up with these scumbags that jumped him and whatever outcome there is leave that as "justice served "

    February 25, 2016 at 1:48 PM

    a group of marines do not need anyone's permission to be 'allowed' to do anything. wink wink

  7. The groids need a good old fashioned blanket party, given by a half dozen marines.

  8. still can't fix STUPID

  9. 1:48 @ 7:42 count me in!!


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