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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

And Then Came Obama...


  1. And now the King in charge is going to close Gitmo where the worst of the worst detainees are. My opinion, bring all of them back to Washington D. C. with him and let all of them live in the White House with him.

  2. 9:05 if they are Muslim Brotherhood he could hire them as part of the administration and they could join the other eight Muslim Brotherhood officials hired by Obama. They would fit right in.

  3. This attitude is exactly why our infrastructure is falling apart across the country. Exactly where is the money to maintain it supposed to come from?

  4. Drew... really, infrastructure repair and upgrade justifies the three points?
    Take a look at the bigger picture please. Under Obama our country is going to Hell in a handbasket.

  5. If Obama slashed his vacation budget it would really pay for Gitmo.


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