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Monday, February 08, 2016

A Day In The Life Of A Back Yard Dog


  1. If this is how you treat your dog, you don't deserve to have one.

  2. Don't get a dog if this is what your going to do. Dogs are pack animals and you and your family are their pack. Anyone who treats a dog like this doesn't deserve to have one. Give the dog to someone who will care for them properly.

  3. This is why I have an indoor cat.

  4. Thank you for posting this! Not many people realize what their pets go through during a workday.

  5. One thing I noticed when I moved here was the abundance of back yard kennels. I've lived in many parts of the country but here is the first place where it seems the majority of "family" dogs are kept locked up in a kennel for most, if not all of the day and night. If a dog has not been trained to not leave the property, then at least, what is wrong with a regular dog house and a long cable run? I know one family in the Salisbury area where the parents, the grand parents, the kids and their families all have kennels. They go out for a few minutes and tend to their dogs and then put them back in the kennel. No way chance to run or go inside. I've called them out about it, and they just don't comprehend what a family dog ought to be. Just plain Delmartian pathetic.

  6. Dogs are not law ornaments... As I type this I have two warm wagging tails with fluffy heads in my bed. People that do this need to have the same treatment

  7. Shameful. What the hell, this is the same way parents treat their kids. They have them. They fed them. And, do nothing for them. This is why the kids grow up to becomes adult animals wilding like packs of wolves all drunk and doped up.

  8. Most all dogs in Alaska live outside and in the winter too. Next thing you know the barnyard animals are going to need to come in the house. Vet said my dog needed $5,000 worth of surgery. Not happening. Got a new dog and buried the old one. Sorry, reality is that its a dog, not at person.


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