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Wednesday, February 17, 2016

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 2-17-16

“Anonymous said...

The real question is with all these "American" companies moving to mexico, why do they still come here for work? Is it work they seek or all the handouts from democrats? If they have good jobs available there from our companies, then there is no need to come here for work...only handouts. Makes sense why they vote dem and dems love them. Will be hilarious when there is no one in mexico to work for these companies and they come crawling back. I say any company that goes there should be banned from re-entry unless they pay a fine totalling the profits they made in mexico. And should have to pay increased import taxes on any product they sell in the US.

February 16, 2016 at 9:27 PM”


  1. They come here for the jobs plus the handouts. Mexico doesn't have any. Non profits, food pantries, etc do not exist because they aren't allowed in Mexico. Mexico is a very rich country because of us. They send us their poor. American companies encourage immigration because it gives them a steady stream of low wage workers and they don't have to raise wages to get employees.

  2. They aren't coming for jobs but they also aren't coming from Mexico. They are coming through Mexico from Central America.

  3. The jobs going to Mexico aren't good jobs for them. They pay lower wages and as stated above Mexico has no entitlement benefits to supplement the low wages. The people can survive because they live 2 and 3 generations to a household. Others come here and work and have babies. Then the baby is entitled to benefits like for food and rent. The ones who don't have a baby get help from the non profits like Catholic Charities, Salvation Army and others.

  4. Right they are coming from South American countries too but this relates to why when American companies are moving to Mexico i.e. Carrier, Nabisco and others why are Mexicans still coming here for work.

  5. They are NOT coming here for work, or can't you READ?


  6. LOL Steve. Have you driven by one of the chicken processing plants lately? Do so tomorrow and they say they aren't coming here for work. Or go to Selbyville. All hispanic and latino now. All work and most are here legally. They work at Mountaire, hotels in OC, landscaping, painting. Almost 100% of hispanics/latinos, a few blacks very few whites making use of the church's food pantries and most work at Mountaire.

  7. 7:54, Huh? Every single McDonald's on the lower shore has mostly Mexicans working there. So do the Walmarts and the chicken companies. Every single service type of business has multiple Mexican employees. In a lot of businesses they outnumber Americans employees and in all businesses African Americans.

  8. Yes, 833 and 825, you are correct. But their jobs cannot pay their expenses, so they need welfare assistance to make ends meet. I f they are lucky enough to land a job that is for cash under the table, they show even less income than ever, and qualify for even more benefits!

    They can work for cash and reap welfare benefits showing NO INCOME!

  9. There's actually a lot of violence with the drug cartels in Mexico. It's a pretty risky place to live and work. Many cartels run whole regions and will assassinate anyone who doesn't comply. Some come here for safety because the Mexican government has proven themselves impotent in dealing with their thuggery, but also illegals on the lam come here in order to evade prosecution in Mexico. Many come here as part of the drug cartels to sell drugs or run weapons back to Mexico through the border.

    1. And the cartel violence comes here with them. Your point? Just another reason to build a wall and arm it with 50 cal snipers.....

  10. 9:58PM My point is exactly what you parroted back, they bring the drugs, guns and cartels back here. Thanks for pointing out the obvious.

  11. @thorntoncrowe speaks of the border towns in Mexico. What's happened there is Mexico dumps all there criminals there when they get out of the prisons. They are sneaking over the border. A lot are smuggling in drugs for the cartels. They've taken over large portions of the public land over the US border. The BLM has signs up saying it's not safe to be on the land.


  12. So you are saying that the Republicans are gonna change the present Welfare system and also send the illegals back where ever they came from. If you believe that you are really a brainwashed American.

  13. So many businesses have moved to Mexico, taking jobs away from Americans, if we boycotted these items sold in Mexico now, and did not by those items, is the only way those companies might wake up.


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