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Thursday, February 04, 2016

63% of Israelis Rank President Obama ‘Worst for Israel in The Last 30 Years’

A survey shows that Jewish Israelis rank Barack Obama as the “worst” U.S. president in relation to Israel in the last 30 years -- 63% of Israelis put Obama in the “worst” category while 16% rated Jimmy Carter as the second “worst” president.

The survey was conducted by Panels Politics in Tel Aviv, and the results were published in the Jewish Journal.

In the survey, Israelis were asked to identify the “best for Israel” U.S. president of the last 30 years, and the “worst for Israel” U.S. president. These included Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barak Obama.

Here's the survey results..


  1. Worst for them? They need to be an American citizen here in America. See how bad it really is!

  2. 80 % of America ranks him bad for the USA too!

  3. im surprised its not a higher percentage

  4. We rank him as the worst president ever - and that includes the one that only served for a few days!

  5. Obama shows how stupid the American voter is, Twice!

  6. Well we really need to find a candidate more acceptable to Israel. Why don't we give Israelis a vote. Hell let's give them all the votes. Thanks to our campaign finance they buy the election anyway.
    It's like the movie "A Christmas Story". The US is a bully imposing its will through military might and financial manipulation around the world, but Israel is worse. Israel is the " Toadie". The one who acts big and tough only because he knows the bully has his back.
    One of these days we will have to answer to our foreign policy, just like the bully in the movie got beat up, and the Toadie ran away as fast as he could.

  7. Where is it written that we are to be their keeper?


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