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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

25 Commonly Accepted 'Facts' That Just Ain’t So

There are scientific facts that most of us accept as true. The Earth is round. Check. E=MC squared. Check. Humans evolved from apes. Not exactly.

It might come as a surprise that science doesn’t necessarily back many scientific “facts.” Here are 25 facts that ain’t necessarily so.

1. Humans evolved from apes.

Evangelicals will be relieved to note that humans did not evolve from apes. Of course, that has never been the scientific claim that human evolution is based on. Humans and apes (chimps, most closely) share almost identical DNA (98.8% the same). What this means is that somewhere down the line, humans and apes shared a common ancestor, some of whose offspring evolved, over millions of years, into today’s apes, and some of whose offspring evolved, over millions of years, into us.

2. Milk builds strong bones.

The advertising campaigns for milk (“Got milk?”) have been some of the most popular and successful marketing in modern history. It is gospel among most people that milk builds strong bones and teeth. However, it’s not true. Many studies over the years have failed to find a link between milk consumption and a lower incidence of bone fractures.



  1. Had a cat that ate poinsetta leaves, thing lost ALL of its body hair. Cats are pretty ugly with no hair. He was pretty sick from it but made it through and gree his hair back finally.

  2. Here is one for the books black lives matter.

  3. Politicians are people too

  4. Here is another,
    Jimbo is a fine upstanding guy who would make a great congress person.


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