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Monday, February 08, 2016

2016 MD HB 466 Proposes to Grant Favorable Handgun Permit Status to Select Former Government Employees


  1. Now, how about the rest of law abiding citizens?

  2. violation of the equal protection clause

    some thing that hit the Kolbe case

  3. Thats crap. Everyone, retired LEO or not, is entitled to the same thing.

  4. The 2nd amendment is my permit. I have never murdered anyone, nor have a violent felony. I do have a non-violent felony, (of which there are many, look them up) which the law says I may not own or possess a firearm

    I don't acknowledge that restriction and do as I want as a free man who does not commit any other* criminal acts.

    One is a fool, especially in today's world, if they do not own means to protect themselves and their loved ones, and even strangers if the need arises.

    I am sure I will get blasted by some "law-abiding" upright citizens, but nothing they or anyone else says will change my mind or actions. And I do not feel I am alone in this, they like me, usually, keep it on the down low.

    So there it is. Hate me, ridicule me, chastise me all you want. It will change nothing.

  5. 12:42 My ideals are the same as yours. I also agree with your statement "keep it low".

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    12:42 My ideals are the same as yours. I also agree with your statement "keep it low".

    February 8, 2016 at 1:34 PM

    Thank you brother, I knew I wasn't alone.

  7. Im with you 12:42.

  8. Again Correctional Officers are eliminated from bills involving Police Officers. Our Lives are in danger 24/7. Every time we go through those gates our lives are threaten for the full 8 hrs or until we exit the last gate every day we work. Police are not endangered every minute they work. This also includes our family since their visitors recognize us then our family when out shopping or eating out. We cannot recognize all their visitors or ex-convicts. The State would play hell with no Correctional Officers to watch these convicts..

  9. I still say if I can legally purchase a weapon I should be allowed to carry it for my protection.

  10. No 12:42-you are certainly not alone. There are millions of us out there.

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    No 12:42-you are certainly not alone. There are millions of us out there.

    February 8, 2016 at 8:57 PM

    Nice to know. Thank you.

  12. Good for the goose...


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