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Sunday, January 03, 2016


Everyone wants to support American vets and when you hear about the great work Wounded Warriors Project does for our own American vets, well, … you just can’t fight the urge to dig deep and give to support the cause. But who/what are you really supporting? Not so much the vets….

DC Clothesline: In the first version of this article, I used the 2012-2013 Wounded Warrior Project 990 Tax Forms. This updated version is using the 2013-2014 Wounded Warrior Project 990 Tax Forms. (Thank you, David Isakson, for all of your assistance) I had made some errors in my original reporting; I am not a forensic accountant and had misread some of the figures or gotten the figures from the wrong columns. I will not be making those mistakes again. The 2012-2013 and the 2013-2014 tax forms are hyperlinked, so feel free to peruse the documents for yourselves. We should not be surprised to find out that yet another ‘charity’ claiming to ‘help’ Veterans is more interested in the salaries of their executives and funding the vicious cycle of advertisement…raise funds…spend it on advertisement…raise funds…ad nauseum. But just the raw figures from their own reporting:



  1. ALL , what we think are legitimate concerned groups such as this and DAV , VFW , and others are for profit for themselves.
    I only know of one group that is true to it's word , The Salvation Army.

  2. Unfortunately, most charities are like this. Please do your homework before donating to any charity.

  3. If you want to be sure that your money is going to help our service people and veterans, give LOCAL. There are plenty of organizations right here on Delmarva....two are Operation We Care and Heroes Haven. Little to no overhead...the people who run these charities are VOLUNTEERS and do not get paid a cent. All of your money goes to help the veterans/service people.

  4. Sickening that there's even a reason for these kind of organizations in the first place..when our government should be takIng care of wounded warriors

  5. You're wrong about DAV, 3:50. They do a tremendous amount of good for veterans and their families. Many of the service officers are vets themselves, and they are the best you could imagine at cutting through the red tape and helping vets get help. And I can tell you NOBODY is getting rich at DAV!

    Please be careful about making such blanket statements.

    1. The DAV didn't get us our COLA increase. So, they are just as bad.

  6. Totally agree with 4:03pm. Just look at PRMc's 990..Have you seen what the executives make? It's ridiculous.

  7. Get a list of wounded warriors and go help them.

  8. Here as example where the rules should be tightened for tax exempt charities. Only a certain percentage can be for overhead otherwise you are not tax exempt.

  9. Charity begins at home, keep your money for yourself.

  10. 6:52 right on that is truly the best way.

  11. Please do your homework and some research about DAV , I agree they help a lot as do the Wounded Warriors , but , MOST of what is donated is to very high salaries and perks to the lawyers and management of the DAV. They are burdened with over paid employees , company vehicles , many other $$$$ undetected . Again , I do realize that they help Veterans , as do other institutions , but it is way out of hand now.

  12. 3:50 I only know of one group that is true to it's word , The Salvation Army

    You better do your homework on The Salvation Army, the commander has a very high salary. Go to the local store and look at all of the clothes and stuff piled to the ceiling that gets thrown out.

    4:22 You are right....Operation We Care and Heroes Haven are ALL VOLUNTEERS. Heroes Haven is supported by American Legions and Sharptown Fire Department, no salaries or expenses, every penny goes to the Heroes!

  13. 3:50 The local Salvation Army is not what it used to be! Instead of the paid employees doing their job to recruit Bell Ringers this year, many were paid to ring the bell......and did you see them......they could hardly acknowledge one made a donation. And yes, I once was a volunteer Bell Ringer myself!

  14. You don't know who to donate to anymore. You think you are helping when all you are doing is padding the pockets of the already rich.


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