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Saturday, January 02, 2016

Worcester’s North-End Property Values Increase

BERLIN — Property values appear to be rising in the state of Maryland, even and perhaps especially in Worcester County.

According to the most recent report released this week by the Maryland Department of Assessments and Taxation, of the 24 counties in the state, Worcester ranks fifth in highest full cash value change for residential properties at 9.9%, behind only Anne Arundel (10.1%), Baltimore (10.9%), Charles (12.1%) and Prince George’s (29.8%) counties.

Worcester’s jump in real residential property value is slightly above the state’s median increase of 9.5% and marks the first real jump in value since the epic market crash of 2008.

On the commercial side, Worcester’s 7% gains don’t fare quite as well as the state’s median gains of 16.1%.



  1. yeah but u can buy a whole parking lot in Salisbury for next to nothing

  2. They will just find a way to waste this money in snow hill.


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