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Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Worcester County Sheriff's Office Press Release 1-12-16

This morning, the Worcester County Sheriff's Office responded to the Ocean City Elementary School for a reported bomb threat. Information provided to the 911 Center indicated a phone call was received by the school indicating a bomb in the school. This information was immediately relayed to the School Deputy on scene who notified the 911 Center. Additional units responded including Board of Education Administration Officials.. We were fortunate today that our K-9 units were training today and immediately responded to the school to conduct a search of the school. Two explosive detector dogs from our office arrived on scene and immediately began a scan of the school. After approximately 50 minutes ,the school was searched with negative results. During this time, Deputies worked with School Administration and the Board of Education Administration on relocating the students and staff. Due to the cold weather, buses were called to transport children from the school.

Additional resources responded to the school during the threat that included Natural Resource Police, Maryland State Police Berlin, and the Worcester County Fire Marshals Office. We worked closely with school staff on site to provide an orderly evacuation of the school. The Board Of Education conducted a phone call for parents and an orderly evacuation was conducted with very few issues. The school was reopened just prior to lunch.

Upon returning to class, a teacher discovered haze/smoke in her classroom that prompted a fire department response. The exact cause is still being determined at this time but it is beleived that the HVAC may have had a malfunction. Members of the Ocean City Volunteer Fire Department quickly responded and the situation was contained quickly. They were assisted by staff on site and Mutual Aid resources from Ocean Pines, and Berlin Fire Department. The smoke and haze are not related to any explosive device. The Criminal Bureau Of Investigation arrived on scene during the initial bomb threat and are investigating the hoax. Anyone with information is asked to call the Sheriffs Office at 410-632-1112 or your local police department.

As many of you are aware, there has been two days of false calls to schools in the Tr-State area. Law Enforcement is working in concert with State and Federal Officials to determine the origin of these calls. Our priority continues to be the safety and security of the students and staff at all the schools in Worcester County. We would like to thank the Ocean City Fire Department for their quick response and assistance today. We are constantly reviewing our response plans and working to make sure your as safe as possible and your children can learn in a safe and secure enviroment. We enjoy our close working relationship with the Board of Education and we are in contact daily with them. Again, if anyone has any information on todays events, please contact the Sheriff's Office or local police.


  1. Thank god its his last state of the union . He has destroyed it after a hand off from the bushes and clinton.. we are so screwed..they have all failed us and have let these demons in for a reason..Set up the Department of Homeland Defense that does no such thing

  2. Thank god its his last state of the union . He has destroyed it after a hand off from the bushes and clinton.. we are so screwed..they have all failed us and have let these demons in for a reason..Set up the Department of Homeland Defense that does no such thing


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