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Sunday, January 03, 2016

WCSO Deputy Won’t Be Charged In Fatal Shooting In Salisbury

SALISBURY, Md. (AP) — A Wicomico County sheriff’s deputy won’t face charges in the fatal shooting of a man during a struggle in Salisbury in March.

State’s Attorney Matt Maciarello released his report Tuesday on the March 3 shooting stating that there was no probable cause to charge Deputy 1st Class Benjamin Jones.

The report states the Jones asked 25-year-old Fednel Rhinvil and another man to stop, but Rhinvil ran. When Jones caught him, a struggle ensued. According to an interview transcript, Jones said Rhinvil pulled out a revolver and Jones warned that he would shoot, before firing and striking him four times. Maciarello says the revolver’s last record was its purchase in the 1950s.

Maciarello says the deputy was “was 100 percent justified in his use of deadly force.”


  1. At last , some real justice!

  2. says the revolver’s last record was its purchase in the 1950s

    What does that have to do with anything?

    1. That since this man was 25 he obviously wasn't the original purchaser and hadn't properly registered the gun

  3. Ill start registering my guns right after u register your books and religion.

  4. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Ill start registering my guns right after u register your books and religion.

    December 31, 2015 at 10:47 AM

    I appreciate the love of your guns and mine, but I don't like the fact that you degrade Religion. You should try it some time. Most Democrats don't like Religion do you!

    1. I appreciate your love of guns and mine, but I don't appreciate the fact you promote religion.

      But it's a free country...as long as "religion" doesn't infiltrate it.

  5. I will register my guns when obama registers as a Muslim.

  6. Complete bull crap. This investigation was handled by his own dept. Ben Jones is a murderer! And Mike Lewis helped cover it up. This white man knows what happened. Think the whispers weren't heard in the gym? At the fire houses? Frieking disgusting. It's ok Ben..... The lord still hasn't passed his judgement. And that karma train ..... I hope the train makes a highway named after you!

    1. The gossip around here is over the top. You don't know poop if you think anybody calls him Ben, where you there white man? I know not.
      He'll live with it forever even knowing it was the perp or him. Thanks to all who serve us.

  7. 10:19 you are living in obama land. First, learn to spell. Second the thug pulled a gun (unregistered and probably stolen) on the officer in an attempt to kill him. The thug brought this all on himself. People like you are the reason there is so much hate in this world. Rascist people like you belong with ISIS and banished from our society.

  8. 7:33 - real justice - but not what the animals would say!

  9. 10:19 take some responsibility for the ignorance and violent nature of your people.


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