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Saturday, January 09, 2016

Trump Warns Britain: Ban Me and You’ll Lose $1B in Investments

(CNSNews.com) – Britain will lose out on more than $1 billion in planned investment in Scottish golf resorts if it bans Donald Trump from entering the country, the Republican presidential candidate’s company said on Wednesday.

It also warned that the millions of Americans who support Trump would be alienated by such a move.

The Trump Organization issued the caution after a parliamentary committee on Tuesday set a January 18 date for a House of Commons debate on the issue. A petition on the Commons website calling for Trump to be barred has drawn more than 570,700 signatures – well over the 100,000 threshold requiring a debate on a matter.

The petition, which accused Trump of “hate speech,” was triggered by his call last month for Muslims to be temporarily banned from entering the U.S., following the terrorist attack in San Bernardino, Calif. by a couple inspired by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

(Ironically, the second-most popular petition out of more than 2,400 on the Commons website calls on the government to “stop all immigration and close the U.K. borders until ISIS is defeated.” That petition, which has more than 455,000 signatures, has yet to have a date set for a parliamentary debate.)



  1. I just read where Marty McFly is going back to 1945 & give Trumps' dad a condom.

  2. Hate speech is the sort of thing the first amendment was designed to cover. Theres no reason to protect speech that no one disapproves of and what is defined as hate speech can be different depending on who is doing the listening.

  3. Goota love Trump he doesn't take ANY crap.

  4. You know, Trump has a valid point. The fact is, everyone loves Trump's money. They might like him as a personality, politician or anything else but they sure do love is big cash! Any country banning him would be an idiot state.

    His inability to portend BS shows he's more Reagan-esque than the Republican Establishment would like to admit. Reagan told it like it is to Russia and ended up having a life long friend in Gorbachev plus that wall came down. Americans need a leader who is incapable of BS. We've had enough BS in the last 20+ years since Reagan to last millenniums. It's time for a bold voice.

  5. You might not like everything he has to say, but you have to respect for the fact that he is bold enough to say it!

  6. $1 billion out of a $3 trillion economy isn't going to hurt Great Britain too much.

  7. Investments? Like when he tried to intimidate people out of their homes so he could build a golf course? As someone originally from the UK, Trump can take his billion, change it into pennies, and invest it somewhere the sun doesn't shine. And I don't mean Britain.


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