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Friday, January 08, 2016

TransCanada Sues Obama Over Keystone XL

The builder of the Keystone XL oil pipeline company is suing the Obama administration in federal court over its refusal to approve the project.

TransCanada, which proposed the pipeline project to connect Canada's oil sands in Alberta with U.S. refiners on the Gulf Coast, on Wednesday filed a lawsuit in U.S. Federal Court in Houston, "asserting that the president's decision to deny construction of Keystone XL exceeded his power under the U.S. Constitution," according to the company.

The administration squashed the project after a record seven years of review, saying the project would increase greenhouse gas emissions and worsen climate change.

"TransCanada's legal actions challenge the foundation of the U.S. administration's decision to deny a presidential border crossing permit for the project," the company says. "In its decision, the U.S. State Department acknowledged the denial was not based on the merits of the project. Rather, it was a symbolic gesture based on speculation about the perceptions of the international community regarding the administration's leadership on climate change and the president's assertion of unprecedented, independent powers."



  1. This is good. I'm glad they decided to hold him accountable.

  2. Let them build their own pipeline to the Pacific Ocean on their own western coast. Oh yeah, I forgot, the Canadian people wouldn't let them do it. So why should we let them destroy our countryside?

  3. destroy the countryside? WTF are you talking about ? You are a complete imbecile .10:09

  4. The pipeline creates jobs and that's why it's nixed. Has nothing to do with some idiot nonsense about saving the environment. This administration has made it crystal clear it's an economy killer. Anything that would attempt to resurrect it, is completely desecrated. But yes, it's good someone is holding him accountable, just a shame it's not the citizens who lost potential jobs and perhaps can't support their families now.


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