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Monday, January 11, 2016

Town of Ocean City Offering Ocean Front and Ocean Side Residents Plants for Secondary Dune Area

Ocean City, Maryland –: For the tenth year in a row, the Town of Ocean City will be offering beach district plants to the public for planting in the secondary dune area. The plants being offered are hardy plants that tolerate the harsh environment of the ocean front areas. In addition, these plants provide habitat enhancement, food and shelter, water quality treatment and erosion control to the secondary dune area, which tends to be overlooked and is in need of attention.
“We began this program to help create habitat and prevent erosion of the area behind the dune which was in need of attention,” said Town of Ocean City Environmental Engineer Gail Blazer. “The plants are very beneficial to the stability of the dune system and help with erosion and scour. Our residents and property owners love the program and it benefits the environment and the beach, so it is a win for everyone.”
Ocean front and ocean side residents will have the opportunity to order plants that will need to be picked up at a predetermined date and time. Suitable plants to add to a secondary dune area include beach grass, bayberry, rugosa rose, beach plum, high tide bush, red cedar and panic grass. Applications are now being accepted, however, the deadline for all applications is February 20.
For more information or to receive and application, please contact Gail Blazer in the Town’s Engineering Department at (410) 289-8825 or email gblazer@oceancitymd.gov. Also, more information is provided by visiting http://oceancitymd.gov/oc/departments/engineering/environment/.


  1. You telling me that a ground plant is going to withstand a hurricane when a 150 year oak tree will be destroyed? You guys are a joke.

  2. You are an joke.. 6:38..

    It's Dune grasses and yes they will prevail behind the main dune system at hurricane forces that usually hit OC.

  3. 6:38, you go plant an oak tree on the dune and watch it not grow. If Mother Nature wanted Oaks on dunes, they would be the norm in nature!

    So, no. Plant something native there that will survive and build a root structure, idiot!

  4. 6:38 You are a bright, shiny star... bright as asphalt!

  5. 6:38 has a point. If these grasses grew naturally there on the dunes then you wouldn't have to plant them. Plus, the dunes themselves are not natural. For years the taxpayers have paid to have sand sucked up from the ocean floor to create dunes to protect wealthy condo owners.

  6. 9:20 "plant something native there that will survive and build a root structure, idiot". Perhaps if it were native and would survive there you wouldn't have to plant it.

  7. 9:20 6:38 said nothing about planting a oak tree on a dune. Oak trees are uprooted hundreds of miles inland from the ocean in a hurricane.


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