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Monday, January 11, 2016

Syrian Refugee Among First Lady’s Guests For State Of Union

WASHINGTON (AP) — A Syrian scientist stricken with cancer and seeking a new start for his family in Michigan will represent Syrian refugees as a guest of first lady Michelle Obama for the president’s final State of the Union address.

President Barack Obama has committed to accepting an additional 10,000 Syrian refugees, but some Republican lawmakers and presidential candidates are critical of the expansion. Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz, for example, noted the recent arrest of two Iraqi refugees. During an interview with CNN that aired Sunday, Cruz emphasized that they came to the United States “using the same vetting that President Obama wants us to trust with Syrian refugees.”

Refaai Hamo, his son and three daughters landed at Detroit Metropolitan Airport in December, anxious to rebuild their lives. Hamo fled to Turkey from Syria after a missile attack killed his wife and one other daughter. He was profiled on the popular photo blog Humans of New York as “The Scientist.”



  1. Yes and along with an illegal immigrant and gay activist. Wake up people. Keep voting Democrat. Not either family member of a slain ISIS terrorists who Obama still insists to protect.

  2. Her and her idiot husband are the worst thing that has happened to America.

  3. This president couldn't care less about Americans

  4. How about a wife of a police officer killed by a Muslim or a drug addict or black thug.

  5. Puke, just puke. Worst first family, EVER.

  6. I won't be there or watching it.

  7. I feel a little tightening in my chest every time I see a picture of those two.

  8. our tv will not be on. no way we're going to support this pos another second. anyone with sense will be watching test patterns & the weather.

  9. Way to go! Show all these hateful "christians" there is no need for concern.


  10. Way to go! Show all these hateful "christians" there is no need for concern.

    07:28 you must be an idiot
    The Christians aren't the ones doing the raping and killing

    But let us not forget the crusades. Perhaps it is time for a cleansing again.


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