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Saturday, January 16, 2016



You “can’t get killed where you ain’t.” And you can’t get captured where you ain’t, either …

But America – which still has dreams of being the indispensable global power – doesn’t seem to get that.

The recent capture of ten U.S. Navy sailors in waters claimed by Iran is an international embarrassment. The images of American military personnel on their knees? It is beyond humiliating – a testament to the “New World Order” into which our nation has somehow slipped.

If this is how U.S. soldiers are treated – imagine what they will do to unarmed American citizens?



  1. oh I am sure Obama has already apologized for having to "bother" Iranian resources in capturing our navel personnel. Probably will free up the $100 Billion in frozen assets a lot quicker now.

  2. Obama called Iran and told them where to pick them up.

  3. I can not put my head around watching US sailors in this situation. As a Navy vet this is just unacceptable in so many ways. I call B.S. on 2 boats floating around by themselves. Not happening this day and age with so much electronic equipment. The Navy knew. Why did the Navy leave it to some other country to help them out? Why did our sailors allow the boats to be boarded? Why more information to captors than Name, rank, SN? Navy has always had a whole bunch of ***t with CIA going on. Never did it result in such a disgusting situation.
    I am fighting freaking mad now.

  4. How embarrassing is this. Obama has made America weak.

  5. I couldn't believe Santorum and Carson talking about EMP pulses from Iran blowing up a nuke in the ionosphere. That is so unbelievably crazy its stupid. Only a handful of countries would have the capability to do this, Iran isn't even close. This is fear mongering and trying to sell another war.
    They talk about Iran like there are terrorist coming from Iran. 9/11 and most attacks since have been Saudi Arabians. The Saudis are carpet bombing the capitol of Yemen but they don't talk about it, and say the Iranians want war. The Saudis executed a man for speach crime, but they point at Irans "civil rights violations". Saudi Arabia treats their women far worse than Iran. There are countless other examples of this double standard.
    We have blown up power plants and assassinated Iranian scientist. We capture people all over the middle East and tourture them. Then we have the audacity to be angry that our troops were held for a few hours for being somewhere they were not supposed to be. If they were Iranians in a gunboat in American waters they would be dead or in Guantanamo.
    We are not hated for our freedom, we are hated for our hypocritical foreign policy. When we sanctioned Iraq under Clinton, it resulted in half a million people dying (mainly from lack of medicines). The Secretary of State at the time said the political gains of those sanctions were "worth the price" of 500k lives (mainly children and Elderly).
    Then we had a war, the first one, launched by a little girl speaking to the UN about Iraqi soldiers going into a hospital and ripping babies out of incubators and smashing them on the floor. This was a lie too, and what an act she put on. Now more die in a war.
    When will you stop believing the lies. When will you realize that they will tell you whatever you need to hear to support their agenda. When will you realize they will suppress any news that doesnt fit their "story". When will you realize that they will send your children to die to get what they want.


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