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Saturday, January 02, 2016

State Dept. Still Doesn’t Have All of Clinton’s Emails

Clinton did not turn over emails sent or received between January and March 2009; State Dept. making little effort to get them

Despite the high-profile release of Hillary Clinton’s emails each month, voters are unlikely to get a chance to read all of her correspondence.

That’s because Clinton failed to hand over all her work emails, despite being asked to do so repeatedly, and the State Department is not searching for them elsewhere.

The Democratic front-runner for president said she is unable to access emails she sent or received in her first two months as secretary of state in 2009 because her emails were not yet being captured on her private computer server.

The Defense Department in the fall gave the State Department a chain of emails between Clinton and former Army Gen. David Petraeus, who at the time headed the military’s U.S. Central Command, responsible for running the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Clinton had not turned those emails over.

But other federal agencies have not been asked to search their archives for Clinton emails, according to a McClatchy survey of more than a dozen agencies with which Clinton was most likely to interact. Some, including the Energy Department and the Defense Intelligence Agency, said they had not received requests. Others, including the Interior and Justice departments, declined to speak on the record and referred questions to State.

It’s unclear how the Defense Department determined it had the Clinton emails and why it turned them over. Defense and State officials declined to comment.

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  1. Why does this surprise you?

  2. And if Hillary makes it to the White House, expect the same pathological behavior, but with the power of law behind it.

  3. But she sure knows all about hateful videos, right?


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