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Thursday, January 14, 2016

Speeches, Leadership Re-Elections Open General Assembly Session

The 90-day session of the Maryland General Assembly is underway.

The gavel was sounded at noon beginning the 426th legislative session.

Today was largely ceremonial. Gov. Larry Hogan addressed the chamber, as did U.S. Sen. Ben Cardin and, for the last time, retiring Sen. Barbara Mikulski.

Senate President Mike Miller was unanimously re-elected President of the Senate, a post he has held since 1987. House Speaker Michael Busch was unanimously re-elected Speaker of the House, a post he has held since 2003.

Hogan promised to work with lawmakers of both parties.


1 comment:

  1. Those two has to go. How I don't know in a Blue State. They have ruin MD as bad as Obama, Reid, Pelosi and McConnell has ruined our Country.


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