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Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Should England be Ruling on America’s Politics?

By Thornton Crowe

Ridiculous as it seems, this seems to be news du jour. Parliament is now ruling whether or not to ban Donald Trump from the United Kingdom. Petitions in hand, British Legislators are ruling whether Trump is banned from doing business or visiting but is it really any of their business what goes on in our political arena?

Trump has never weighed in on their politics and, should he become the next President of the United States, it would not be an advantageous gesture on the UK’s part to alienate a leader from a nation that has seen them through several historical conflicts and wars. For the sake of common sense and prudence, perhaps the UK should concentrate on their own inner-turmoil with their Muslim communities and practice isolationism rather than possibly estranging a future ally.

In truth, they do not have to do business with Trump, but this media politicizing of their big hearing, only looks like they’re ginning up some anti-Trumpism rather than being offended at his candor. He is not the first presidential to propose such an action. Actually, Jimmy Carter did this very thing when the Iran Hostage situation occurred in the late Seventies; but no one in the UK seemed to mind his action.

People say a lot of things on the campaign trail. Trump, unlike most, seems to mean what he says without regret. He’s a straight shooter when it comes to his comments and views, he obviously isn’t stating anything counter to what millions of American think but don’t dare say due to our oversaturated political correct-laden culture. If he were, I seriously doubt he would have massive lead against his opponents bidding for the Republican ticket.

How say you?


  1. We already opened a can of whoop-ass on them, about 250 years ago....maybe we need to remind them!

  2. They are a sovereign nation with a right to keep out whomever they decide. If they consider him a threat they should ban him. There are people that our country has deemed undesirable and denied entry.

  3. really they all ready have people there that are a threat

  4. So....if we elect him as our President and the UK bans him, that means Trump is not allowed into the UK. Good. We can cut off all assistance to the UK. That means we no longer have to station any planes or ships over in their areas in order to respond to Russian Bombers or submarines. I dont think we send them much aid, but whatever it is, we can stop that. Im sure it can repair a bridge or two here in the US. And then there are investments in the UK. Let's just stop supporting and encouraging those too. O...and lest I forget. noone who works in the UK government in any fashion will be banned from the US.

  5. This is laughable. Like Donald Trump is a threat after the filth they are welcoming into the UK. Donald Trump should tell them to do themselves a favor and quit worrying about him, because hell would freeze over before he would step foot into the cesspool that the UK has become ever again. They need him before he will ever ever need them and they best not forget it. The UK is disintegrating into a 3rd world country and they are worried about Donald Trump! You can't get anymore backwards then that.


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