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Tuesday, January 12, 2016

SchoolMessenger Call from Delmar Elementary Principal to School Families

SchoolMessenger call/email from Delmar Elementary School Principal Judy Nicholson:

Delmar Elementary School received an automated call with a bomb threat this morning, Tuesday Jan. 12. The call was very similar to the one received at a number of area schools on Monday. Delmar Elementary School immediately notified law enforcement and school safety personnel. An investigation and thorough search were conducted while students and staff remained in a safe in place status. Nothing was found in the search and school will continue today with enhanced law enforcement presence. Delmar Elementary, the Wicomico County Board of Education and Wicomico County Public Schools place the highest priority on providing a safe learning environment. We will continue to work closely with law enforcement in this effort. We will update you with new information as it becomes available. Thank you.


  1. Once again, no one was escorted out of the school. Can you say, Russian Roulette?

  2. Agreed. Tried to get a answer to that but got none. My daughter goes to that school.

  3. I don't know how to take this...do I go pick up my daughter or trust that they are making the right decisions! UGH This world we live in is crazy and I don't think we can be too careful. The "Boy that Cried Wolf" comes to mind; so, if it becomes something "real" we wouldn't know anymore.

  4. All other schools evacuated. Why not this one.

  5. Exactly, 11:07, all DE schools and Worcester Cty...just can't understand it.

  6. I totally agree with the previous comment when do we as parents/administration take it serious? How many threats until its the actual real thing? How do we send our children to school and feel secure all safety precautions are being met when I was evacuated in the 80's for a bomb threat and today society needs to be taken more serious. Obviously something bigger is going on in this country to have this many threats across several counties and all to our school system. I think its time we act and protect our children before the threat becomes a parent worst nightmare....

  7. Obama always waits until its too late.

  8. Were the children in evacuated schools allowed to go get their coats from their lockers? How long were they outside? How would you have handled the situation, if you were the principal?

    I do not know what the answer is. As I understand it, Police and school personnel made the decision. It is a no win situation no matter what decision is made. Teachers, other school officials, and police dealing with hysterical parents, upset students. You all complain but have no solution, including me.

  9. So what happens if a call comes in to the school and the decision is made to move the children to another location even though that is no sign of a break in - and the crazy is waiting in the woods (many schools in our area back up to wooded areas) with a gun.

  10. Coats and leave. Nothing is more important than my child's life. Let her get her coat and leave. Take absolutely no chances. This is a serious threat and we have all seen that threats turn into actions. Don't let it slip by. She will be picked up.

  11. Our tax money will soon provide an expensive solution to this dilemma!
    The cheap option; immediate notification of evacuation requirements to all parents, guardians,and care providers. This method requires all partys mentioned. They must pick up all school attendees. All children that are not removed must evacuate until building clearance has been given. Even in the event of unpleasant weather.

    The cheap option will never be considered,

    You know why, and you'll pay taxes for it!

  12. Joe where are the school email/text alerts to parents ??

  13. while students and staff remained in a safe in place status.

    BullSh**! This is a wrong move on their part. Schools all over are evacuating or sending their kids home. Fredericksen should be fired and if the appointed BOE members don't speak up they should be replaced.


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