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Sunday, January 31, 2016

Salisbury News Will Not Cover Upcoming Fox News Debate

Based on Presidential Candidate Donald Trump's decision to not participate in the upcoming Fox news Debate, Salisbury News will not cover ANY news from that debate.

We, (Salisbury News) are a strong part of eliminating the Main Stream Media and the games that are played to sway public influence to their favor by not being fair and balanced.

Should Fox News make changes and Mr. Trump changes his mind we will reconsider. 


  1. Good for you !!! Thanks for always being on point.

  2. Great decision, Fox is playing political games and using Amgen Kelly as there pawn Rodger Ailes needs to be fired by Rupert Murdoch until then I.also will be BOYCOTTING FOX news...

  3. Two Things Could Be TrueJanuary 27, 2016 at 12:04 PM

    Instead of commenting on their stances for their presidential runs, Fox is asking them all to weigh in on Trump. Brilliant move and a way to edge out everyone else while saying the Established MSM, NO! I'd say he's done a superb job of skewing ALL news in his direction while not having to pay for advertising.

  4. Fox is Trump's biggest campaign donor.

  5. He actually will be in that debate because Megan will voluntarily step down at Fox's request.

    1. Ha ha..... I guess you were way off on that on.

  6. This should be the top post.

  7. He would be an idiot to do the debate after the childish press release that Fox gave about Putin and the ayatollah. He is hardly a chicken....looks like he can say what ever he wants and his poll numbers rise.

  8. Yeah Trump is a chicken. LMAO. He's afraid of Megan Kelly? ? RIGHT. She became irrelevant and now she thought she would have one more shot. Trump shut that little sorority slut down.

  9. Trump is a narcissist, his numbers will rise however remember what he said about shooting someone, he feels he is above everyone else, above the little people, above the law sounds like Hilary, and like Obama he won't talk to Fox News either. He is a wolf in Sherpa clothing

  10. Rodger Ailes needs to be fired, it Fox news will loose millions of veiwers.

  11. Magen Kelly Is one step up from white trash with a new haircut,she needs to go back to being a cheap lawyer.

  12. 2:26, please make sense in your comments. all you can do is talk about her hair and her being a 'cheap lawyer'. how do you know she's a cheap lawyer? very shallow comment.

    1. What part don't you understand she was a garbage attorney and she is a fake blonde bs reporter make sense?

    2. Fire the Fox CEO now.

  13. For a news organization, FOX News failed. Whether they like it or not, Trump is currently the FRONT RUNNER in the Republican PRESIDENTIAL race. He deserves respect for that. There is a big difference in criticizing a "news show host" versus the childish, unprofessional comment about someone who is running for President. Is that "fair and balanced" reporting? What a joke! Whether you love him or hate him, Trump is outFOXing the media, getting tons of free coverage and keeping the spotlight off his rivals. All FOX did is play into his hands and kept the spat going. They are clowns.

  14. 4:29 Okay she’s a leftist main stream media bimbo attack dog trying to focus the debates on herself rather than actually promoting real debates among contenders for president and how they would be better for the country than the Democrats. Hope that helps!

  15. I thought real journalist and real news channels were supposed to be neutral. What is neutral about Fox or MSNBC?

  16. Brilliant move . . . I could not agree with SBYnews anymore. Megan has proved she can't be trusted. She is a 'snake in the grass' for sure.

  17. I sent this in once already Fox News is a supporter of trump they have contributed over 13 million dollars of free airtime to trump, he has had over 24 hours of screen time on Fox News and others only 10 hours in average. Now all this free publicity, Trump will take advantage of any situation. However they all do that but I think not reporting their agenda or intentions is not giving the other candidates a fair shake. The old saying is lay with dogs and your bound to catch fleas applies to the small minded individuals who won't even watch the debate to get educated, or even get out to vote. So joe by you taking this stance is disheartening because being a person in the public eye you should encourage others to watch not discourage which is what your post is doing

  18. Joe you are criticizing MSM for trying to sway public opinion / influence and you are not by not covering upcoming Fox News Debate. IMHO you are doing the same thing. You are not letting your readers to form their own opinion on the outcome of this debate. I expect criticism from reading the comments, but I am not Trump I can take it like a "MAN" and still read and contribute if you allow me to by not being a TRUMPET.

  19. 8:30, You have every right to your opinion and I respect that. However, this is my Blog and I happen to respectfully disagree with you.

    When WBOC Fox channel at 5:00 PM today blasted Trump once again, that's enough for me. I will stand by the underdog. YOU have every right to watch the debate.

  20. Concerned Retiree, Well, there are plenty of places you can go to and voice your opinion on the debate. Funny how some of you are upset because I choose to take a stand.

    Let me remind ALL of you of one thing. I am NOT the MSM and I am very proud that I am not. We are bigger and better then the MSM. Tell WBOC, WMDT and the DT's to publish their hits before you come back here and say I'm wrong. You asked to see our numbers, WE DELIVERED.

  21. I am not upset I was just being "Devils Advocate". This was brought up with some friends sitting around with a BS session I wanted to know how some one would react. No bad feelings. They all are LOL because you commented back to me.

  22. Two Things Could Be TrueJanuary 28, 2016 at 12:06 AM

    Honestly haven't watched one yet and I don't feel I've missed much. Pretty much Cruz runs the same canned lines about being conservative and having all this experience. Rubio continues to lie about his immigration position. Christie continues to blowfish his way through every speech while fighting with Rubio. Kaisch, I have no idea who or why he's even there to begin with. Bush looks like entitled rich kid who feels he should be president because his brother and daddy did such a bang up job at it. Hucklebee while a likable guy, doesn't have the right last name to be president. Yes I just said that. And Trump is Trump. While I'm sure it's good theater I'd rather watch The Little Women of LA or Dance Moms. There's nothing new to see in these debates. I am underwhelmed.

  23. Thank you. I agree with you and support your decision 100%!!

  24. It's amazing to me that it took Donald Trump for you all to realize that Fox News was biased...lol. News flash...it's always been that way! Its just that this is the first time that they have not been able to stir people in the direction that they wanted to. Trump is smart and very business savvy and has some great thoughts behind his message. But because of his presentation and polarizing presence, he has no chance to win a general election. He will lose and lose badly and you will have 4 more years of being angry about who is president when you are in fact the the ones that chose who the president will be by supporting Trump. You'll see!



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