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Thursday, January 14, 2016

Rubio: I ‘Absolutely’ Support Tuition Discounts For Illegal Aliens

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) is doubling down on his support for in-state tuition for illegal aliens.

On ABC, George Stephanopoulos asked Rubio about his work in the Florida statehouse in which he “co-sponsored legislation to provide in-state tuition for undocumented immigrants.” Stephanopolous asked Rubio directly: “Do you stand behind that position now?”

Rubio said that he “absolutely” stands behind that legislation:

RUBIO: It was a very narrowly drafted bill. You had to have a certain GPA, you had to live in the U.S. a long time, you had to graduate from a Florida high school. It was very narrowly tailored to high-performing students who found themselves in a situation where they were brought here by their parents when they were 5, didn’t even speak another language except English and therefore couldn’t attend college because they were being charged like they were from out of state. They still had to pay for college but they paid for what people paid when they lived in Florida. They had to be high school graduates of Florida.

STEPHANOPOULOS: So you stand behind that?

RUBIO: Yes, of a narrowly tailored bill like that, absolutely.

More here


  1. What is wrong with our leadership in this country? Why do I still work? Why dont I just start stealing from the people like all these other people do?

  2. This smacks in the face of every immigrant that went through the proper channels to gain citizenship to the US. Case simple.

    We have laws. When people break those laws, regardless of their citizenship, they are called to account for their said crimes. When you reward illegal aliens with educational opportunities then you are aiding and a bedding.

    Rubio. Now, completely off my list for suitable presidential material.

  3. 12:26 - he was off my list a while back for the same reasons!

  4. Sooo, it's OK as long as they've been here a long time? Long-time ILLEGAL is better than short-time?

  5. they should pay double. They are illegial and have paid no taxes. I am so sick of Americans giving non us people a free ride on our backs.

  6. 12:26. I think you meant abetting.

  7. Just another reason I will not vote for Rubio. He is a fraud. Cruz really is our best option.

  8. I can't put a shed on my property without a legal permit, I can't drive my car without a state driver's license and I have to register that vehicle, I have to be a citizen to get a bank loan or government loan...AND I AM A LEGAL CITIZEN...I don't want to pay one dime for any ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT ... they can abide by the laws and rules just like I have to...Mr. Rubio, you are an idiot, and if you want to pay for your relatives to go to college, then you have that right, but I refuse to pay for it.

  9. How about giving discounts to Americans that was born here and make those that want to move here pay for it? Don't give them money of any kind to open up businesses or live here. Treat us like you treat them if you give them a break then give us the same break (like taxes). Then maybe more Americans will have their dreams come true. Food For Thought. map

  10. This should put one more nail in the coffin of the establishment's home boy. I guess that leaves Chris Christie.

  11. 12:20 right on to that.

  12. Lie,deceive,hosility, break,destroy, spend borrow, steal... The rainbow plans going according to agenda to destroy the USA.


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