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Sunday, January 03, 2016

Rap Sheet: The Women Who Claim to Be Victims of Bill and Hillary Clinton

While Bill Cosby is finally doing a long overdue perp walk for an alleged sexual assault some 10 years ago, and I say “long overdue” because dozens of woman claim he did the same to them over the decades, the dozen or so women who claim to be victims of Bill and Hillary Clinton are being victimized once again by a DC Media circling the wagons to protect Hillary, a woman they are desperate to see become president.

The DC Media is not just politically motivated. Race also plays a factor. The DC Media see black conservatives as apostates who must be destroyed for daring to escape the Left-Wing Thought Plantation. On top of Bill Cosby, and over far, far lesser allegations, this same media has attempted to destroy two powerful black men: Justice Clarence Thomas and Herman Cain.

Despite a laundry list of extremely disturbing allegations involving everything from rape to groping to harassment to character assassination, the DC Media has not only protected white Democrat Bill Clinton, in a number of cases, the media has joined the campaign to destroy these women.

The double standard is glaring.

The pattern is horrifying.


1 comment:

  1. Let each case speak for itself, as it should, as they all should.


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