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Saturday, January 02, 2016

President Obama's 2016 wish list

By this time next year, President Obama's successor will have been elected, but before he goes, he still has things he intends to finish in the remaining 12 months of his presidency.

"We think the lame duck moniker is dead," a senior administration official told CBS News. Another official told CBS that the president has instructed his senior staff to "squeeze every last drop of progress out of the final year."

The president will fight to preserve gains in areas including "access to affordable health care, expanding the green economy, implementing the Iran deal" and continuing the normalization of relations with Cuba," the official said.

Here's where he may make some progress:



  1. "My wish list"
    1. Obama be gone
    2. Obama by by
    3. Obama don't let door hit you in the a$$

  2. Me too.. I wish he'd get somewhere.


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