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Monday, January 11, 2016

Pfizer Just Jacked Up Prices for All of These Drugs

The pharma giant raised the prices of 105 drugs.

Pfizer Inc PFE -1.27% , which plans a $160-billion merger with Ireland-based Allergan Plc AGN -1.22% to slash its U.S. tax bill, on Jan. 1 raised U.S. prices for more than 100 of its drugs, some by as much as 20 percent, according to statistics compiled by global information services company Wolters Kluwer.

Pfizer confirmed a 9.4% increase for heavily advertised pain drug Lyrica, which generated $2.3 billion in 2014 U.S. sales; a 12.9% increase for erectile dysfunction drug Viagra, which had 2014 U.S. sales of $1.1 billion; and a 5 percent increase for Ibrance, a novel breast cancer drug launched last year at a list price of $9,850 per month, or $118,200 per year.

Company spokesman Steven Danehy could not immediately confirm the remaining price increases, which were compiled by a unit of Wolters Kluwer Health and published in a research note by UBS Securities.



  1. Shouldn't Viagra be going generic soon? Maybe they want one last chance to cash in before that happens.

  2. Did they not learn from that moron who jacked up the AIDs drug? Karma got him.

    Better yet, this is probably as a result of Obamacare. Thanks to that piece of ill-gotten legislation, the healthcare industry, in general, has run on the motto: Let 'er rip! Raised prices and basically did everything they can to zap every person in this country.

    What's wrong with this picture? Prices were supposed to go the opposite direction. Boy, was everyone sold a bag of bad goods or what!

  3. Come on now, a breast cancer drug. Now the drug czars are going to start killing off people for money. How much of this windfall is Obama getting. Obamacare is the most useless insurance anybody can get. The only people getting rich is the drug companies, Insurance companies, Congress, Senate and the President. WHEN THE H-LL IS THE PEOPLE GOING TO BE CONSIDERED?????

  4. Their drugs, their prices. What's so difficult to understand about that?

  5. I like how the gubmint "taxes" their vaccines in order to pay hush money to the people those vaccines harm.

  6. The next step is the insurance companies will stop paying for these drugs.

  7. They will charge what the market will bear.

  8. The prices on my vitamin supplements didn't go up. They're very affordable, and I'm in exceptional health. 66 years old, not taking ANY prescription drugs. Not for cholesterol, or blood pressure or anything. My BP is typically about 127/75.
    And I don't need no stinkin' Viagra, either.. :-)

  9. Blame it on the minimum wage law.


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